BEAVERDAM BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC Version 1.0, 13-Jul-2007, C007A.TXT, C007 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 LOCATION: --------- Locate the intersection of Highways 182 & 59. Drive east 0.2 miles on Highway 59. Church is located on the north side of the road. N 34 30.745 x W 82 58.700 HISTORY: -------- In 1803, fourteen years after Washington was chosen President, Beaverdam Baptist Church was organized. Thus, our glorious history begins almost at the beginning of the history of our nation. It began as an arm of the Hepsibah Church with fewer than twenty members but became an independent body in 1816. Originally, Beaverdam was in Tugalo Association which, at that time, included part of Georgia. About 1881, the Beaverdam Association was organized, Beaverdam Church becoming the Mother Church of the Association. From the founding of the church until 1915, services were held only once a month. For the next twenty-four years, South Union Baptist Church and Beaverdam shared the same pastor. In 1939, a pastorium was purchased and Reverend Glenn Bolch became the first full-time resident pastor. Sunday School was not organized until 1880 with Thompson Grubbs as the first superintendent. Benjamin McGee donated six acres of land that is the present church site. Eighteen acres were purchased later and have been made into cemetery burial lots. The first building was erected in 1818, built of logs. A new church was built in 1859 and remodeled in 1893 when a steeple was added and a bell installed. Two steeples and wings were added in 1927. The original hand-hewn timbers put together with pegs were used in the project. Plans to build the present colonial design sanctuary were made. The new 101-feet long, 45-feet wide housing, 4,545 square feet, seating 400 persons including balcony, plus 25 choir seats was built. The new sanctuary was dedicated in 1971. Not all can be told in figures, dates and facts; but down through one hundred eighty-eight years of our history, men, women, boys, and girls have been touched, lifted, and blessed, and set into paths of service by those whose hearts, minds, and efforts established and propagated the faith through Beaverdam Baptist Church. Submitted by: Frances Holden Mays, 145 Doctors Road, Box 248, Fair Play, SC 29643 ------------------------------ There are two strong, thriving churches in the Oakway Community. One is Bethel Baptist Church. Reverend Kirby C. Winstead, Sr. is the very able and capable pastor. Bethel Church is situated just a short way from Highway 24, out the road by the old Walker Bearden home. The other is Oakway Wesleyan Church. It is on Highway 24 between Cross Roads-Tokeena Community and Westminster, SC. Another church is also located on Highway 24, the old Center United Methodist Church, where services are no longer held. This building has been recently refurbished. It is a beautiful white building, which stands on a staunch witness of respect for God. On April 12, 1893, the Reverend and Mrs. H.S. Abbott held a tent meeting in Oakway Community. As a result of this great revival, the Oakway Wesleyan Methodist church was organized. Later, when the Pilgrims and Wesleyans merged their churches, the name was changed to Oakway Wesleyan Church. The organization of the church took place on April 30, 1893 under a big oak tree at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Cain. The thirty-four charter members paid Wesley Mason $8.00 rent until January 1, 1894 for the use of his store building. The Reverend W.H. King, the last charter member of Oakway Wesleyan and also of the SC Conference, passed away at age ninety. Reverend King's daughter, "Aunt Cleo" King Gambrell and her husband "Uncle Jake" are active members of this church. "Aunt Cleo" has been singing in the church choir since age five. The seventh generation Kings have worshipped at Oakway Wesleyan Church. Her great- grandmother, Mary King, was a charter member and probably her grandfather, Rodney King, since he was a member as well. Next is the Reverend Will King, her father. His son, William, was also a member. Buddy is William's son. He, along with his son, Gary, as well as Gary's daughter, Kelly and his son, Cody, all worshipped at Oakway Wesleyan. Four of these generations were present for the centennial service on May 16, 1993. A building was begun in the fall 1893. Since the members had no money for glass windows, white muslin was used to cover the windows. Members brought in chickens and eggs to pay the pastor. By spring 1894, the church building was completed - debt-free! The Reverend R.W. Parker was the first pastor. On January 21, 1899, the first Quarterly Conference of the circuit at Oakway paid a pastor's salary of $3.75; second quarter $2.50 and third quarter $3.25; with an annual total of $40.65. During the 1903 first quarterly conference, J.F. Mason and D.T. Cain were granted licenses to preach. In 1911, W.H. King and J.C. Cain were granted licenses to preach. In 1924, the church building was moved to the site of the old church and is being used as a fellowship building with spaces for Sunday School classes. Members and friends donated much of the labor for the first and other church buildings. In 1935, six classrooms were built, and others added in 1953. At a memorial service for C.C. Mason (Shirley M. Porter's father) who had served the church with honor as a trustee and Sunday School superintendent, $1,371.20 was given toward a parsonage. This house was sold later and the present parsonage was built in 1957. For many years, the Oakway Wesleyan Church has had a strong Sunday School, Women's Missionary Organization, Youth Group, and more than one Children's organization. Twelve former members became ministers of the Gospel: D.T. Cain, W.H. King, J.F. Mason, Tom Putnam, Will Gibson, George Price, Colonel Chastain, Nettie Hanvey, and T.C. Childs. Mrs. Bessie (Kindley) Poole was a member who became a missionary. On January 16, 1983, with 100 persons present, the church voted unanimously to proceed with the building plans presented by the building committee, composed of Paul Scarbrough, Chairman, Stanley Cannon, Jack Spearman, and Jake A. Gambrell. On May 29, 1983, the annual homecoming was held in the new building, which was only "dried in". About five thousand dollars was the offering that day. On October 30, 1983, the celebration of the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Jake and Cleo Gambrell was held. Then, on November 27, 1983, David and Ophelia Pitts celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary in the new building. These two couples have recently celebrated their sixty-first anniversaries. All four of them, along with their families, have contributed many years of service to Oakway Wesleyan Church and are still active members. The present pastor is the Reverend J. Willett Vess. He and his wife, Mary Nell, are providing excellent leadership for the church. "To God be the Glory" for every soul who has been saved at Oakway Wesleyan Church and the ones influenced for good by the church, and for ones who have gone out, and are going out, as witnesses for God. Submitted by: Mrs. Cleo K. Gambrell, Church Historian for Life and Daisy Dean Cleveland. o----------o A BRIEF HISTORY OF BEAVERDAM In 1803, only fourteen years after Washington was chosen President of the united States, Beaverdam Baptist Church was organized. Thus our glorious history begins almost at the beginning of our nation. Beaverdam began as an arm of the Hepsibah church with fewer than twenty members, and became an independent body in 1816. The first church building was located directly in front of the wi11is Grubbs (now the Richard Grubbs) home and back of the present Edwin Richardson home. Reverend George vandiver was chosen as first pastor in 1805, L. Alien as Deacon, N. Graham as clerk. Members present at the constitution of the church were: George Vandiver, John Cleveland, Francis callaway, John M. Grey. Since the first pastor some forty Ministers have occupied the sacred desk. Orginally Beaverdam church was in the Tugaloo Association which at that time included part of Georgia. About 1881 Beaverdam Baptist Church became the Mother church of the Beaverdam Baptist Association. The colored brethern were well provided for in the services of the early church and were considered a part of the congregation until 1872. At the close of the war the church was remodeled and the part previously used for slaves converted into a Sunday School room. From the founding of the church until 1915 services were held once a month. For the next twenty-four years South Union Baptist Church and Beaverdam shared the same pastor. In 1939 a pastorium was purchased and Reverend Glenn Bolch became the first full-time pastor. That house was sold in 1960 and the present pastorium valued at $30,000 and located on the Seneca Highway was occupied by Reverend Grady Price in 1960. Sunday School was organized in 1880 with Tompson Grubbs as the first superintendent. The present church site 1s located on six acres of land donated by Benjamine McGee and his wife. in 1967 Beaverdam purchased eighteen acres of joining farm land from J. S. Glymph. It is expected that this tract may become a memorial cemetery in the future. The first building was erected about 1818, and was built of logs. A new church was built in 1859 and remodeled in 1893 when a steeple was added and bell installed. The two smaller steeples and wings were added in 1927. The original hand-hewn timbers, put together wi1~) pegs, are still in the present structure. A need arose for expanded educational space to meet the needs of the church community, in 1955 construction of the first phase of a long range building program began. The first to be erected was an educational building which houses four departments with twenty-three classrooms, a library, pastor's study, two nursery rooms, a kitchen and full basement. A space was provided in this first structure to attach the soon-to-be erected colonial-styled sanctuary with a steeple to reach eighty-five feet high. The membership has grown from less than twenty to almost three hundred. Beaverdam now has a graded Sunday School, Training Union, W. M. U. and Brotherhood and related youth organizations. There are two functioning choirs involving more than forty people. Family night is held one Wednesday night each month for all the organizations. The first Sunday in August 1969 was Sunday school's highest attendance day in recent years with 164 present. Not all can be told in dates, facts and figures because down through the one hundred sixty six years of our history men and women, boys and girls have been touched, lifted, blessed and set into paths of service by those hearts, minds and efforts established and propagated the faith through Beaverdam Baptist Church. Beaverdam is a gift of God to this generation through the religious pioneers of its past. it is a proper reflection of their faith. It presents a noble challenge to the future. May it interpret to all the meaning of life through hope in Christ. By: Unknown Author o----------o Sept 2 Baptist Historical Records published by Walter M. Lee, Westminister, SC, Preserving and Presenting Data of Baptist History, Begins ---- founded as an arm of Hepsibah Church 1803, and made in into an Indepenent body 1815. It gives 1808 members, 1810, 1813 steps begun toward becoming church instead of arm. Between 1816 and 1848, among male were -named; female members 1818/1848. Following received at arm of Reed Creek; following members 1830 Rev Feo Vandiver paster from org to 1829; Samuel Hymer pastor for a time. Double Springs of Anderson Dist became arm --1830, later 1633 became estab church Rev David Simmons next pastor of Beaverdam 1835 About that time camp meetings began Rev M.W. Vandiver pastor 1841; Rev David Simmons followed 1843; Beaverdam asked to joinWest Union Ass 1845. 1856 walls were lig-1854 walls weatherboarded shed built for blacks Hilton Hix and Samuel Isbel Licened 1843 Isbel ordained 1848 West union Ass dissolved after first constitution and desired again 1851 to reorganize- Rev H.H. Barton called 1851:- Protracted meetings began held 1852 using Bro Isbel, John York, Martin Barton.--- 1851 Isbel still pastor-, bro Barton frequent aid-names some members- 1855 $50 salary paid bro David S. Simmons 1856--------- subscription made for new church about this time--- Rev D.H. Payne called as pastor 1858 -New church completed 1859-Isbel pastor again served some time-- -- h.M. Barton pastor after war -- Rev Thomas Crymes pastor 1867 Submitted by: Era Davis, 13-Jul-2007 o----------o DATAFILE INPUT . : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Feb-2002 Linda Flynn at (visit above website) in Apr-2002 HISTORY WRITE-UP : Frances Holden Mays, Fair Play, SC Mrs. Cleo K. Gambrell, Life and Daisy Dean Cleveland. IMAGES ......... : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Feb-2002 TRANSCRIPTION .. : Cawthon Family at in Jun-2003 TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: -------------------- a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife WARNING: -------- There are (3) cemetery areas that are located in-between the C7 Beaverdam Baptist Church and the C69 Fair Play Presbyterian Church. It appears that at one time, these cemeteries were shared by the two churches. However, recent burials have been made in separate areas - in back of the Fair Play Presbyterian and on the east side of the Beaverdam Baptist Church. BOTH church cemetery locations should be searched. It has been discovered that during the construction of the I-85 Welcome Center on the west side of Oconee county, 138 graves were moved to this cemetery on 22-Apr-1988. ABLES, Ida Sullivan, b. 19-apr-1872, d. 20-jul-1935, wife of w.r. ables ABLES, Rosa Lee, b. 9-jan-1907, d. 21-jul-1923, p. w.r. and Ida ABLES, William R., b. 23-jul-1872, d. 4-aug-1909 ADAMS, Ada Meredith, b. 7-oct-1916, d. 12-may-1992, on double headstone with jack c., p. f.m.. and mamie broome meredith ADAMS, Jack C., b. 28-mar-1915, d. 27-feb-1982, on double headstone with ada m adams ANDERSON, Berry Wiley, b. 1913, toccoa ga, d. 20-apr-1993, wid. of mamie inoree (worley) anderson, p. james benjamin and lula (sullens) anderson ANDERSON, Inoree, b. 1920, d. 1988, h. berry w anderson ANDERSON, James E. "Jim", b. 25-apr-1882, d. 14-aug-1964, on double headstone w/ lula s., lounell a twigs here also ANDERSON, Lula S, b. 27-apr-1885, d. 9-apr-1940, on double headstone w/ james e. ANDERSON, Mamie Worley, b. c1921, d. 20-sep-1988, h. berry wiley anderson, p. jerry walter and sadie (smith) worley, b. oconee ANDERSON, Marilyn Ann, b. 11-sep-1942, d. 28-oct-1942, next to james f anderson AYERS, J.G., b. 7-apr-1874, d. 27-jan-1919 BALLEW, Margie Lorraine Broome, b.15-mar-1913c, d.5-dec-1998, p. jim broome & ethel leathers broome grant, h. wm. crowell ballew, double headstone BALLEW, William C., b. 8-oct-1916, d. 14-june-1967, mil. marker cpl 2123 base unit.aaf, wwII BARTON, Effie Stribling, b. 24-oct-1874, d. 1-jun-1967, a. 92y 7m 7d, h.morris c barton BARTON, Mildred Bolt, b. 5-mar-1951, no dod BARTON, Morris C., b. 4-mar-1870, d. 31-dec-1953, a. 83y 9m 27d, w. effie stribling baront BARTON, Sarah Ellen, b. 20-sep-1838, d. 20-feb-1916, a. 77y 5m, h. rev. h.m. barton BLACKMON, Barney P., b.3-dec-1882, d.12-june-1949, double marker with pearl l. BLACKMON, Evelyn Elaine Lavassor, b. 1942 in sturgeon bay wisconsin, age 58, d. 22-dec-2000, charleston, sc. h. lewis w blackmon, p. ralph & margaret watermolen lavassor, double headstone w/lewis w blackmon BLACKMON, Lewis W. b. 1935, double headstone w/evelyn elaine lavassor blackmon BLACKMON, Pearl L., b.6-july-1908, d.16-july-1978, double marker with barney p. BOLT, Raleigh Poole, b.28-june-1916, d.15-may-1979, double marker with rena l. BOLT, Rena L., b.10-jan-1914, d.2-oct-1994, p. john d. & sarah standridge lecroy, h. raleigh poole bolt BRADBERRY, B. Crayton, b.1881, d. 1943,double headstone w/nina b, b. 1886, d. 1961 BRADBERRY, Carl H., b. 23-aug-1911, d. 7-jan-1978, on double headstone with lucy a. BRADBERRY, Elias, b. 4-nov-1909, d. 13-mar-1915, p bc&nm bradberry, *stone difficult to read BRADBERRY, Infant, b. 13?-jul-190_, d. 1?-jan-190_, stone difficult to read, p. crayton & nina bradberry BRADBERRY, Lucy A., b. 13-jul-1913, d. 6-oct-1956, on double headstone with carl h. BRADBERRY, Nina B., b. 1886, d. 1961, double headstone w/b crayton, b. 1881, d. 1943 BRADY, Barbara H., b. 14-jun-1935, d. ??, on double headstone with earnest (buddy), no burial date as of 5-15-83. BRADY, Ernest (Buddy), b. 17-jun-1930, d. 14-jan-1970, on double headstone with barbara h., says married november 24, 1951. BRADY, Robert Lee, b. 12-may-1870, d. 29-oct-1934, double headstone w/veda v brady BRADY, Veda V. , b. 7-mar-1880, d. 23-may-1930, double headstone w/robert lee brady BRAMBLETT, Beulah W. Feltman, b. 12-jul-1903, d. 26-dec-1957, on double headstone with rufus barnger bramblett. BRAMBLETT, Rufus Barnger, b. 31-jan-1895, d. 5-nov-1969, on double headstone with beulah w. feltman bramblett, also has a military marker: sc pfc us army wwI. BRAMLETT, Allie R., b. 7-dec-1888, d. 19-may-1966, on double headstone with o. l., separate stones say father & mother. BRAMLETT, Alvia R., b. 27-dec-1889, d. 19-jul-1977, double marker with james m bramlett, see johnnie & maudie bramlett BRAMLETT, Cannie Day, b. 1884, d. 1949 BRAMLETT, Elizabeth Grace, b. 29-sep-1935, d. 21-dec-1936, on single headstone. BRAMLETT, Harvey P., b. 25-mar-1878, d. 14-dec-1973 BRAMLETT, James B., b. 21-sep-1916, d. 11-apr-1964 BRAMLETT,James M., b. 24-mar-1852, d. 14-dec-1937, double marker with alvia r bramlett, see johnnie & maudie bramlett BRAMLETT, Johnnie, b. 17-aug-1923, d. 22-jul-1944, on single headstone, buried in james m. bramlett plots. BRAMLETT, Mary E., b. 14-oct-1848, d. 15-apr-1917, on single headstone, in back of her is o. l. bramlett plot. BRAMLETT, Maudie, b. 25-jun-1928, d. 27-dec-1978, on single headstone, buried in james m. bramlett plots. BRAMLETT, O. L, b. 31-feb-1888, d. 19-feb-1982, on double headstone with allie r., separate stones say father & mother, in front of this is mary e. bramlett BRAMLETT, Rufus Clyde, b. 1918C, d. 14-oct-1985, son of james marion & alvia (rogers) bramlett; born oconee co., surv: bros. harley, j. l.; sis. mrs. cora mae smith, (a.i. 10-15-85; pg. 10b, col. b). BRATTON, Rhett M., b. 19-jul-1914, d. 4-dec-1953, on single headstone, has bratton header, next to w/ margaret glymph bratton crosby BREAZEALE, Mae S., b. 4-oct-1905, d. 17-apr-1995, on double headstone - no inscription for husband as of 5-15-83, obit. says lillie mae (slaton) brazeale dtr. of charley l. & willie alice (kindley) slaton, surv: son charles; dtr. dorothy williams; bros. fred, albert, phil, paul j.m. (a.i., 4-18-95, pg 7c, col a). BREWER, Macie Whitfield Staggs, b. 1905C - anderson co., sc., d. 16-aug-1994 - blackville, sc., surv: son james r., dtr. willie sue hanson, stepson richard brewer, 3 stepdtrs. (not named), 5 grands, 7 greats; d/o late geo. washington & janie (taylor) whitfield; m. first - late nathan moore staggs; m. second - curtis o. brewer, (a.i., 8-18-94, pg. 2d, col. b). BRIDGES, Joe R., b. mar-1932, d. apr-1933, on single headstone; says son of h.c. & edna g. bridges. BROCK, Alvin S., b. 26-feb-1884, d. 18-aug-1924, on single headstone; he is in front of the wm. adolphius brock plot. BROCK, Cora Burton, b. 1881, d. 1925, on double headstone with wm. adolphus brock. BROCK, Fannie O. Z., b. 1911, d. 1928, on single headstone; dau. of w.a. & cora brock; buried in wm. adolphus brock plot. BROCK, H. A., b. 27-aug-1876, d. 28-jan-1910; erected by c. g. callaham; he was a true friend. BROCK, William Adolphus, b. 1877, d. 1936, double headstone w/cora burton brock BROOM, D. C., b. 3-Aug-1858, d. ?; on double headstone with mattie m. (wife); just outside this is ? says father. BROOM, J. M., b. 29-sep-1886, d. 28-apr-1918; on single headstone. BROOM, Mattie M., b. 28-mar-1866; d-jul-1923; on double headstone with husband d. c.; says mother. BROOME, Beulah Donald, b. no date, d. no date; dtr. of rev. & mrs. m. donald; wife of l. k. broome (1st wife); on hand-carved stone with "infant"; no name of dates; she is just in back of the l. k. broome plots. BROOME, C. C., b. 11-jun-1888, d. 19-oct-1964; on single headstone; has masonic emblem; this is just outside the d. c.. broom plots. BROOME, L. K., b. 15-oct-1898, d. 1-aug-1971; on single headstone beside talsie w.; in back of this is first wife beulah donald broome & infant; also here: lewis and 3 stones which just say "baby" (no name or dates). BROOME, Lewis, b. 28-jan-1921, d. 18-jul-1943; on military marker: sc rm2 us navy wwII ph; buried in l. k. broome plots. BROOME, Talsie W., b. 27-jan-1903, d. 28-dec-1986; on single headstone beside l. k.; paper says wid. of lee kenneth broome; dtr. of s. b. & nannie (madden) welborn; b. oconee co.; surv: sons talford, rbt., randy, jimmy; dtrs. mary lois morehead, joanne ponder, katy wms, margaret kay, alice keasler, cindy bearden, florence anderson; sis. hattie madden; half-bro. lee welborn. (a.i., 12-29-86, pg. 8a, col. c). BROWN, Jeanette Wilson, b. 1941, born in oconee county, south carolina d. 28- mar-2002, in seneca, south carolina,, h. james rufus"doc" brown, p. azrie e "bill" & alma lee duckett wilson BRUCE, Charles Thomas, b. 14-jul-1868, d. 11-nov-1959; on double headstone with mary callie bruce; also here: cleeman; separate stones say father & mother. BRUCE, Cleeman, b. 3-aug-1905, d. 26-feb-1921; on single headstone; says son of c. t. & m. g. bruce; buried in charles thomas bruce plots. BRUCE Freeman B., b. 1905, d. 7-apr-1983; on double headstone with gladys l.; h. of gladys (lovinggood) bruce; s. of tommie & callie (gerrard) bruce; b. franklin co., nc: surv: widow; sons hugh, gary; dtrs. mrs. christine coln, mrs. anne foster, mrs. susan odom; siss. mrs. marie wilson, mrs. edna crowe, mrs. vesta rabb. (a.i. 4-8-83, pg. 10b, col. b). BRUCE, Gladys L., b. 1905, d. 1998; on double headstone with freeman b.; BRUCE, Jim E., b. 19-oct-1901, d. 2-nov-1971; on single headstone; on last name on stone but has bruce header. . BRUCE, Mary Callie, b. 12-apr-1870, d. 10-may-1960; on double headstone with charles thomas bruce; separate stone says father & mother. BRUCE, Mary Inez, b. 31-mar-1899, d. 2-apr-1953, double headstone w/thomas purrell bruce BRUCE, Thomas Purrell, b. 14-sept-1892, d. 2-may-1959, double headstone w/mary inez bruce BRUCE, Willie Ola Shirley., b. 16-nov-1904, d. 28-dec-2000, born franklin county, georgia, h. jim e bruce, p. charew & lavaca randall shirley BRYANT, Martha H., b. 14-dec-1872, d. 28-oct-1956, double marker with william t BRYANT, Noha F., b.1911, d. 1934, next to william t & martha k bryant BRYANT, William T., b. 3-oct-1870, d. 17-nat-1937, double marker with martha h bryant, next to noha f bryant BRYSON, Elizabeth Donald, b. 4-jan-1936, d. 3-jul-1971; on single headstone. also here larry michael smith BURDETTE, Eleese Moore, b. 20-dec-1927, d. 12-jan-1947 BURDETTE, Janic Hipps, b. 15-nov-1892, d. 10-sept-1980, above levi hips plot BURDETTE, Julius A., b. 10-feb-1916, d. 9-jan-1964, on double headstone with rachel f. BURDETTE, Rachel F., b. 3-jun-1927, d. 29-jan-1997, h. julius astor burdette, p. meade & beadie jane murray fuller BURGESS, Louise Hammonds, b. 1921, d. 20-may-1997, p. will & sallie mcalister hammonds BURK, Pearle, b. 18-dec-1895, d. 23-nov-1915, h. j l burk, 4th daughter of d t elrod BURKE, Sloan, b. 6-jan-1880, d. 10-aug-1890, p. sam & harriett burke BUSBY, Winfred, b. 1929, d. 1929, buried in william s. lecroy plots BUTLER, Cathy Jean, b. 7-jan-1958, d. 3-jul-1959, p. mr. & mrs. lewis f. butler CALLAHAM, Blanche Isbell, b. 1883, d. 1946, double headstone w/clarence e callaham, buried next to d. f. isbell CALLAHAM, C. B., b. 12-oct-1905, d. 10-jan-1944, w. geanie donald callaham CALLAHAM, Clarence E., b. 1879, d. 1961, double headstone, also here nora callaham CALLAHAM, Claude F. b. 6-feb-1883, d. 9-jun-1931, also here w. lola b callaham CALLAHAM, Geanie Donald, b. 9-jan-1909, d. 28-feb-1993, h. c. b., d/o wm. franklin & lucy davis donald CALLAHAM, Johnny C., b. 25-jun-1916, d. 27-dec-1980, w. kathleen g. CALLAHAM, Kathleen Grant, b. 15-oct-1916, d. 11-dec-1985, h. johnny clayton, d/o wm. arthur & annie marshall grant CALLAHAM, Lola B., b. 7-mar-1882, d. 6-jan-1940, also here w/h. claude f. callaham CALLAHAM, Linda B., b. 3-feb-1943, d. ??, double headstone w/lloyd r callaham CALLAHAM, Lloyd Ray, b.26-aug-1937, d. 22-feb-1994, w. linda batson callaham, s/o johnny clayton & kathleen grant callaham CALLAHAM, Mary Ann, b. no date, d. 311-jan-1995, d/o johnny clayton & kathleen grant callaham CALLAHAM, Nora, b. 16-jun-1880, d. 29-mar-1911, h. c. e. CAMPBELL Dollie Mae, b. 1930, d. 1970 CAMPBELL, Edith Louise Fuller, b. 4-apr-1914, d. 9-oct-1983, h. l.c., d/o wm. henry & mamie stancil fuller CAMPBELL, L. C., b. 10-may-1908, d. 8-apr-1984, w. edith louise fuller campbell, s/o daisy campbel CAMPBELL, Lula H., b. 12-jul-1902, d. 6-may-1970, on double headstone with r.a. CAMPBELL, R. A., b. 10-aug-1897, d. 25-dec-1976, on double headstone with lula h. CARNES, Bessie Lee, b. 23-mar-1894, d. 8-aug-1935, single headstone, buried in geo. w. carnes plots, d/o g.w. & selena CARNES, Birdie, b. 25-sept-1887, d. 21-jan-1909, d/o g.w. & selena carnes CARNES, Dorothy Jewel Marett, b.9-may-1923, d.31-oct-1999, h. geo. w. carnes, p. paul & carrie teasley marett CARNES, Florence Wood, b. 19-sept-1898, d. 6-feb-1975, dbl. headstone with geo. w. CARNES, George W., b. 4-nov-1863, d. 17-nov-1946, dbl. headstone with florence wood carnes, also here thomas a, selena land carnes, birdie carnes, sallie land, lars carnes, inf. son, bessie lee carnes CARNES, George W., b. 24-jun-1921, d. no dod, double marker with dorothy j carnes CARNES, infant son, 1-may-1923, only date, buried in geo. w. carnes plots CARNES, Levis, b. 23-oct-1888, d. 13-feb-1954, single headstone buried in geo. w. carnes plots CARNES, Pattie, b. 9-mar-1890, d. 4-aug-1891, d/o g.w. & selena carnes CARNES, Polly, b. 1833, d. 12-jun-1896, h. thomas a. CARNES, Salena Land, b. 12-mar-1861, d. 10-apr-1900, h. g.w. carnes, see birdie carnes CARNES, Thomas A., b. 4-nov-1845, d. 10-mar-1908, mil marker, pvt co a 56 ga, inf, csa, dbl. headstone with wife polly CATER, Addie C. Norris, b. 29-apr-1882, d. 3-sept-1949, also here: perry w. & belton j. norris CATER, Terri Darlene, b. 11-sept-1976, d. 11-sept-1976 CHASTAIN, Charles Clayton, b. 12-apr-1940, d. 31-jul-1989 CHASTAIN, Maybell Fuller, b. 17-may-1904, d. 24-dec-1989, double marker with william a chastain CHASTAIN, William A., b. 2-apr-1879, d. 24-dec-1989, double marker with maybell f chastain CHEEK, Ansel C., b. 22-sept-1895, d. 5-nov-1981, dbl. headstone with essie l. CHEEK, Betty Lou Hall, b.1942c, d.13-mar-2000, h. joseph henry courtney cheek CHEEK, Elizabeth F.*, b. 24-jul-1927, d. 16-feb-1982, dbl. headstone with luther f., *funeral marker says flora e. "lib" CHEEK, Essie L., b. 8-apr-1894, d. 10-may-1972, dbl. headstone with ansel c. CHEEK, Luther F., b. 5-dec-1921, dbl. headstone with elizabeth f. CHEEK, Luther Robert, b. 1-ju1-1955, d. 3-oct-1980, single headstone; also here: melody dawn cheek CHEEK, Melody Dawn, b. 5-jan-1963, d. 7-jan-1963 CHEEK, Mollie Ann H., b. 18-oct-1947, d. 9-aug-1967, single headstone, separate stone says mother CHILDRESS, Bobby Lee, b. 2-oct-1928, d. 8-apr-1992, w. jeanine welcher childress; s/o ralph, sst us army korea CHILDRESS, Mary Eleanor Glymph, b. 4-apr-1911, fairplay sc, d. 20-oct-1996, anderson sc, h. roy; d/o joe s. & maude marett glymph CHILDRESS, Ralph, b. 18-nov-1906, d. 10-oct-1975, dbl. headstone with winnie CHILDRESS, Roy, b. 7-apr-1903, d. 2-jul-1985, w. eleanor glymph childress; s/o rbt. e. & sarah "sallie" griffin childress CHILDRESS, Winnie, b. 20-oct-1908, dbl. headstone with ralph CLARK, Elizabeth, b. 1847, d. 1900, dbl. headstone with husband thomas e. CLARK, H H ?, b. 15-jul-1835, fork district, d. 1863, stone broken, 4 more on this stone but unable to read CLARK, Noah W., b. 1876, d. 1923, single headstone; also here: t.e. CLARK, T. E. b. 17-jul-1870, d. 5-dec-1921, single headstone; also here: noah w. CLARK, Thomas E., b. 1832, d. 1908, dbl. headstone with wife elizabeth, says father, has masonic emblem, has csa marker on grave CLEVELAND, Jeney, Mrs., b. 4-jun-1810, d. 2?-sept-1853, w of o_ cleveland CLEVELAND, O C, b. 28-aug-1800, d. 11-mar-1891 CLINKSCALES, Dorothy Glenn, b. 7-oct-1925, d. 11-aug-1984, marietta ga, d/o john d. & ada b. glenn COBB, Furman, b. 1924, d. 1982, funeral marker only COBB, Henry Grady, b. 1887, d. 1969, dbl. headstone with lizzie mae COBB, Jimmy Ray, b. & d. 1955, funeral marker only buried in newt c. cobb plots COBB, Jo Nell, b. 18-mar-1949, d. 22-sept-1949, single headstone, says inf. dtr of mr. & mrs. joe cobb, she beside rosa a. COBB, Joe Lee, b. 30-may-1927, d. 7-aug-1994, jo nell cobb & diane m. yeargin here COBB, Ludy E. , b. 16-sept-1915, d. 25-aug-1991 COBB, Lizzie Mae, b. 1892, d. 1975, dbl. headstone with henry grady cobb COBB, Newt C., b. 1915, d. 1959, funeral marker only; also here: jimmy ray, antoher baby boy 1952-1952 COBB, Rosa A., b. 1887, d. 1971, funeral marker only beside jo nell cobb COBB, Ruth Sullivan, b. 1926, d. 23-may-1996, greenville sc, h. newt cobb; d/o alton & opal stone sullivan COE, Sarah Helen Bolt, b. 25-mar-1945, d. 6-jul-1989, d/o raleigh & rena idell lecroy bolt COFFMAN, J. W., Mrs., b. 22-apr-1872, d. 21-nov-1956 COFFMAN, J. W., Rev., b. 29-oct-1875, d. 12-jul-1942, single headstone beside mrs. j.w., has coffman header COFFMAN, Jimmy Ray, b. 1955, d. 1955 COLE, p. h.m. & E. Eta Cole, b. ??, d. 24-may-1890 COLE, Drayton L., b. 1906, d. 1981, single headstone; he just outside the willie e./james b. cole plots COLE, Edna, b. 8-may-1928, d. 25-jun-1929, single headstone; also here: milford COLE, Elizabeth Clemons, b. 21-aug-1831, d. 21-jun-1910, h. henry m. cole, sr., dbl. headstone with henry m. cole, sr. COLE, Elton C. (callaham), b. 1906, d. 25-feb-1983, h. lewis cole; d/o claude & lola brock callaham; she on dbl. headstone with j. lewis cole COLE, Fannie, d. 4-oct-1915, only date, single headstone with robert t. COLE, Henry M., Sr., b 21-jul-1825, d. 10-apr-1907, dbl. headstone with wife elizabeth clemons cole COLE, J. Lewis, b. 1905, d. 1991, dbl. headstone with elton c. COLE, James B., b. 1873, d. 1927, dbl. headstone with willie e. COLE, John Lewis, b. 1906C, d. 22-jan-1991, w. elton callaham cole; s/o jim & willie osborne cole. COLE, Milford, b. 9-aug-1932, d. 27-nov-1935, single headstone, also here: edna COLE, Robert T., b. 10-feb-1875, d. 3-aug-1913, single headstone, has woodmen of the world emblem; also here: fannie COLE, Willie E., b. 1881, d. 1957, dbl. headstone with james b. COMPTON, Bessie, b. 24-jul-1885, d. 21-nov-1896, single headstone in front of this is richard compton plot COMPTON, D. C., b. 1884, d. 1947, hand carved in concrete casing; also here: idelle e. warren, essie, jerry, & willie spearman COMPTON, Emely Glyspy, b. 15-jun-1827, d. 27-dec-1879, single headstone beside husband richard COMPTON, F. W., b. 27-apr-1858, d. 13-oct-1919, single headstone is broken, f.w. is beside p.b. COMPTON, Idelle E., no dates, hand-carved in concrete casing, buried in d.c. compton plots COMPTON, Jessie Bell, b. 1914, d. 1971, funeral marker only, buried in d.c. compton plots COMPTON, P. B., b. 28-feb-1853, d. 23-jun-1923, on single headstone beside f.w. COMPTON, Richard, b. 17-jun-1829, d. 30-dec-1905, single headstone beside wife emely glyspy compton, stone broken CORNOG, inf. Son of w.l & n.e, no dates, next to robert m holland, COX, Charlie O.*, b. 5-jul-1893, d. 26-jun-1967, dbl. headstone with stella h.; *funeral marker says charlie olridge cox; in back of this is clifton c. cox plot COX, Charles V. , b. 13-feb-1924, d. 18-mar-1965, mil marker, SC, 5 m 3 us nr wwII, COX, Clifton C., b. 19-sept-1913, d. 1-jun-1982, dbl. headstone with lucille g. COX, Dewey, b. 24-apr-1930, d. 8-apr-1935, single headstone says s/o charlie & stella cox COX, Don R. , b. 19-may-1949, double headstonew/vicki b cox COX, Gladys Lorene, b. 28-apr-1918, d. 7-jun-1919 COX, Horace Nelson, b. 4-nov-1910 in north carolina, d. 30-nov-2002 in fairplay sc, double headstone w/w nell o'neal cox p. john henry & stella shuford cox COX, James Ray "Jim", b. 11-sept-1921, d. 10-oct-1984, s/o charlie o. & stella hicks cox; army vet WWII, purple heart; mem. masonic lodge at fairplay COX, Lucille, G. (Graham), b. 23-may-1916, d. 19-aug-1995, dbl. headstone with clifton c.; has eastern star emblem COX, Mary Jane, b. 24-nov-1954 COX, Mildred M., b. 31-aug-1927 COX, Nell O'Neal, b. 1913, double headstone w/h horace nelson cox COX, Stella H., b. 5-jan-1893, d. 27-dec-1977, dbl. headstone with charlie o. COX, Vicki B., a. 51y, b.1-sept-1949, d.25-nov-2000, h. don r. cox, p. neal & frankie brewington CROMER, ?? (male) infant, b. 15-may-1888, d. 16-jan-1889 CROSBY, Margaret Glymph. Bratton, b. 22-oct-1918, in oconee county sc, d. 25- dec-2002, in seneca sc, p. monroe & hattie crawford glymph, 1st h. rm bratton, 2nd h. k. d. crosby, next to rhett m bratton CROWE, Edna N.*, b. 8-may-1908, franklin co ga, d. 11-may-1986, dbl. headstone with j. bethel; *paper says edna bruce crowe; h. james bethel crowe; d/o charles thomas & mary callie gerrard bruce CROWE, J. Bethel, b. 19-aug-1905, d. 14-jun-1974, dbl. headstone with edna n. DAVIDSON, Laura B., b. 11-oct-1884, d. 10-jan-1915, h. robert b. DAVIS, Alice C., b. 1873, d. 1954, double headstone w/clifton e davis DAVIS, baby, no dates, concrete covered, hand carved grave DAVIS, C C., b. 4-dec-1884, d. 4-june-1885, son of J.M & L. J. Davis DAVIS, Clayborn Reid, b. 25-sept-1900, d. 11-jul-1975, single headstone, buried in walter r. davis plots DAVIS, Clifton E., b. 1873, d. 1940, dbl. headstone with alice e. DAVIS, Dorthie, no dates, on 3-way headstone with harold & louis; says infants of jessie & lucille davis DAVIS, Eliza Jane, b. 4-apr-1848, d. 14-sept-1905, h. f. m. davis DAVIS, Elizabeth Moss, d. 14-oct-1844, h. joseph davis DAVIS, Ethel Lucille, b. 18-sept-1907, d. 8-feb-1945, dbl. headstone with jessie louis davis DAVIS, Frederick M., b. 14-oct-1844, d. 23-sept-1912, single headstone beside wife eliza jane; just outside this is lavada a. davis . a;sp here c. c. davis & elizabeth moss davis DAVIS, George W., b. 27-may-1874, d. 22-mar-1947, military marker: pvt l sc inf sp-am war DAVIS, Harold, no dates, on 3-way headstone with louis & dorthie, says infants of jessie & lucille davis DAVIS, infant dtr. of mr. & mrs. harold, 1928, only date, single headstone DAVIS, infant son, 1900, only date, buried in walter r. davis plots DAVIS, Jewel G., b. 8-aug-1908, d. 12-feb-1977, double headstone w/w h davis DAVIS, Jessie Louis, b. 12-oct-1903, d. 28-feb-1982, bl. headstone with ethel lucille; also here: infants of jessie & lucille: dorthie, harold & louis DAVIS, Joe Smith, b. 6-jul-1905, d. 11-mar-1994, w. georgia mildred thompson davis; s/o walter reid & elizabeth smith davis DAVIS, John Pruitt, b. 3-jan-1907, d. 24-may-1977 DAVIS, Lavada A., b. 1881, d. 1967, single headstone, she just outside the frederick m. davis plot DAVIS, Lizzie S., b. 14-apr-1873, d. 25-jun-1966, single headstone, buried in walter r. davis plots DAVIS, Louis, no dates, on 3-way headstone with harold & dorthie, says infants of jessie & lucille davis DAVIS, Mildred T., b. 10-aug-1911, d. no dod, DAVIS, Robert Roosevelt, b. 23-apr-1934, d. 25-may-1988, greenville sc, s/o jessie l. & lucille haynie davis DAVIS, W. H., b. 22-may-1904, d. 24-feb-1970, dbl. headstone with jewell g.; has masonic emblem DAVIS, Walter R., b. 30-dec-1874, d. 5-dec-1953, single headstone; also here: lizzie s. john pruitt davis, capt. Wilton e. & clayborn reid davis DAVIS, Wilton E., Capt., b. 15-jul-1903, d. 25-dec-1944*, single headstone, in walter r. davis plots; *says died and buried in france DEATON, Lillian Fannie Keasler, b.26-nov-1920, d.25-july-1998, p. james nathan & nancy caroline newell keasler DICKERSON, John G., b. 10-may-1861, d. 12-dec-1937, w. sarah e wilbanks DICKERSON, John Henry, b. 2-jul-1921, d. 10-mar-1962, military marker: sc cpl us army WWII; only one in plot that is marked DICKERSON, Sarah E. Wilbanks, b. 12-mar-1856, d. no date, dbl. headstone with husband john c. DOMBROSKY, infant, b. & d. 5-apr-1949; dbl. headstone with michael f. DOMBROSKY, Michael F., b. 27-dec-1944, d. 17-may-1945, dbl. headstone with infant (no name) b. & d. 4/5/1949 DONALD, Earl James, b. 2-may-1934, d. 4-july-1996, pvt us army korea DONALD, Elsie, b. 8-jan-1829, d. 14-jan-1929 DONALD, James Laylon, b. 6-apr-1911, d. 1-oct-1940 DONALD, J. M. Rev., b. 16-jun-1871, d. 31-jan-1941, on double headstone with mary, same plot as james laylon donald & m. mildred donald DONALD, M. Mildred, b. 19-jun-1924, d. 9-jan-1936, p. h. & lena donald DONALD, Mary, b. 5-sep-1874, d. 3-jun-1943, on double headstone with rev. j. m. DONALD, Ollie LeCroy, b.30-aug-1911, d. 26-feb-1999, h. reese james donald, p. harvey & margaret carnes lecroy DONALD, Reece James, b. 19-jul-1911, d. 24-apr-1985, w. ollie lecroy donald, p. monroe & mary catherine davis donald DOWIS, Mattie J., b. 13-mar-1859, d. 28-jan-1936 DOWIS, W. R., b. 27-nov-1853, d. 25-may-1926, buried beside mattie j. DRISCOLL, Margaret Adel Driscoll, b.1918c, d.10-july-1999, p. thomas driscoll & elsie jane stootoff driscoll, h. j.c. driscoll DUCKETT, Glenese D., b. 2-nov-1947, d. no dod, double marker with larry p duckett DUCKETT, Larry Pressley, b. 20-jun-1950, d. 18-dec-1984, w. dora "glenese" durham duckett, p. carl pressley & fannie ruth bowen duckett, vet air force, vietnam DURHAM, Agnes Vickery, b. 26-aug-1891, d. 30-jun-1960, m. 21-apr-1907, h. tugaloo a durham DURHAM, Clayborn E., b. 15-mar-1923, d. no date, on double headstone with mae g. DURHAM, D. Idonia, b. 1-dec-1908, d. 23-sep-1968, on double headstone with w. lindsay durham DURHAM, Emma, b. 8-feb-1852, d. 11-mar-1916, buried in william m. durham plots DURHAM, Glenn W., b. 16-oct-1926, d. 9-jun-1981, on double headstone with ruby l., stone says married 8-feb-1947 DURHAM, Hassie S., b. 17-oct-1909, d. 29-mar-1958, on double headstone with w. clyde DURHAM, infant daughter of t.a. & e.a., 1-mar-1918 (only date) DURHAM, infant daughter of t.a. & e.a., 7-feb-1916 (only date) DURHAM, infant son of w.c. & h.s durham, b. 8-dec-1927, d. 8-dec-1927 DURHAM, infant son of w.c. & h.a., b. 19-mar-1929, d. 19-mar-1929 DURHAM, James Fred, b. 27-oct-1911, d. 26-oct-1994, w. (1st) ora prince durham, w. (2nd) lois whitten durham, p. tugaloo anderson & agnes vickery durrham, member of masons DURHAM, Mae G., b. 9-apr-1924, d. 24-sept-1994, on double headstone with clayborn e. DURHAM, Ora Ponder, b. 27-oct-1898, d. 11-sep-1978, h. j. fred durham DURHAM, Ruby L., b. 22-oct-1931, d. no date, on double headstone with glenn w. DURHAM, Rudolph B., b. 24-apr-1921, d. 10-feb-1978, mil marker tec 5 us army wwII, same plot as ted a durham DURHAM, Ted A. b. 20-mar-1956, d. 16-oct-1982, same plot as rudolph b DURHAM, Tugaloo A., b. 19-apr-1887, d. 20-dec-1961, on double headstone with agnes vickery durham DURHAM, W. Clyde, b. 7-oct-1909, d. 28-sep-1987, on double headstone with 1st wife hassie s., w. inez carnes glenn durham, p. tugaloo anderson & agnes vickery durham, masonic emblem, also 2 infant sons here DURHAM, W. Lindsay, b. 18-mar-1908, d. 15-jun-1980, on double headstone with d. idonia, says "married 11-oct-1925" DURHAM, Willia Mae, b. 1924, d. 24-sep-1994, h. clayborn, p. charley & lula johnson glenn DURHAM, William M., b. 27-sep-181, d. 2-sep-1915 EARLE, Lula P. b. 5-may-1863, d. 10-aug-1891, h. j.r. earle, jr. ELLIOTT, Ada Lenora Land, b.1898c, d.16-sept-2000, h. rbt. e. elliott, p. samuel & ellen hicks land ELLIOTT, Annie Norris, b. 6-may-1895, d. 29-may-1952, buried beside r.c. ELLIOTT, Edward H., b. 1851, d. 1919, on double headstone with effie m. ELLIOTT, Edward Moris, b. 14-jan-1890, d. 8-jul-1918, buried in edward h. elliott plots, has woodmen of world emblem ELLIOTT, Effie M., b. 1862, d. 1958, on double headstone with edward h. ELLIOTT, Harriett Seigler, d.26-nov-2000, h. lewis elliott, p. ben & essie durham seigler ELLIOTT, Harriett, S a. 73y, b. 4-jan-1927, d.26-nov-2000, born in Oconee County, h. lewis elliott, p. ben seigler & essie durham seigler ELLIOTT, Jannie R., b. 1933, d. 1934, buried in r.c. elliott plots ELLIOTT, Leila O., b. 1887, d. 1956, buried in edward h. elliott plots ELLIOTT, Lewis, b. 30-nov-1915, d. 4-jul-1987, w. harriet louise seigler elliott, p. morris & elila outz elliott, same plot as c. f. & gw outz ELLIOTT, R. C., b. 15-jun-1897, d. 19-may-1959, buried beside annie norris elliott, jannie r elliott also here ELLIOTT, Veta, b. 16-jan-1913, d. 9-may- 1993, p. morris & leila outz elliott ERVIN, Florence Ramey, b. 10-dec-1886, d. 29-apr-1971, buried beside barney l. ramey FELTMAN, Annie S., b. 1881 d. 1961, on double headstone w/ robert t. FELTMAN, Bonnie Sue B., b. 26-jan-1942 d. 17-jan-1966 FELTMAN, H. Gylum, b. 29-mar-1900 d. 6-jul-1949, on double headstone w/ margaret n. FELTMAN, Margaret N., b. 31-mar-1905 d. 5-may-1990, on double headstone w/ h. gylum feltman, paper says margaret (neagle) feltman, widow of harvey g. feltman, p. emit and ida (fite) neagle, b. belmont, nc, d. crawford, ga FELTMAN, Robert T., b. 1878 d. 1941, on double headstone w/ annie s., also here gylum feltman FLOYD, Joe B., b. 28-mar-1922 d. 24-dec-1954, on double headstone w/ louise d. FLOYD, L.H., b. 17-mar-1913 d. 15-jul-1952 FLOYD, Louise D., b. 14-may-1925, on double headstone w/ joe b. FLOYD, Rocie, b. 28-jul-1896 d. 15-sep-1933, beside yance floyd FLOYD, Yance, b. 10-mar-1886 d. 13-dec-1951, beside rocie floyd FULLER, Beadie M., b. ??-jul-1888, d. 17-apr-1945, same plot as meadie fuller & paul p fuller FULLER, Clarence B., b. 1-jun-1914 d. apr-1971 FULLER, Frankie Lane, b. 1-oct-1958 d. 22-nov-1958 FULLER, George W., b. 19-jul-1906, d. 31-oct-1986, double marker with ironlee p fuller FULLER, Hildren Blanche "Bootie", b. 22-jan-1938, d. no dod FULLER, Ironlee Parker, b. 27-jul-1909 in greenwood, sc., d. 26-mar-2003 in seneca, sc, h. george washington fuller, p. arthur loranze & lillie peace parkes, stepmother annie kinsey fuller FULLER, Leland Mead "Doc", b. 7-oct-1936, d. no dod FULLER, Linda Gale, b. 23-feb-1947, d. 25-feb-1947, double marker with roger dale fuller FULLER, Malissa D., only date 3-may-1968, infant dtr of mr. and mrs. grady fuller FULLER, Mary Culley, b. 21-dec-1873, d. 21-apr-1958, next to p m fuller FULLER, Meadie, b. 11-aug-1885, d. 12-mar-1953, same plot as paul p fuller & beadie m fuller FULLER, P. M., b. 18-jul-1865, d. 4-nov-1918, next to mary culley fuller FULLER, Paul, b. 19-jun-19??, d. 1-jan-1940, same plot as meadie fuller & beadie m fuller FULLER, Roger Dale, b. 23-feb-1947, d. 25-feb-1947, double marker with linda gale fuller FULLER, W.H., b. 16-jul-1883 d. 22-jul-1922 GENTRY, Margaret Malinda, b.1976, d.1976 GERRORD, Genever, b.29-aug-1879, d.8-mar-1901 GIBBY, Jewell E., b 1908, d. 1998 GIBSON, Amy, b.1888, d.1964, beside elias a. GIBSON, Elias A., b.1927, d.1975 GIBSON, John Freeman, b.7-june-1907, d.2-nov-1969, military: sc as usnr WWII GILLIAM, Mary Lou, b.1929, d.1953 GILREATH, Eliza, Mrs., b.23-june-1880, d.27-mar-1934 GLENN, Ada P., b. 17-mar-1894, d. 13-jan-1958 GLENN, Bessie Mae S., b.7-july-1904, d. 10-oct-1973, double marker with willie t. GLENN, Betty King, b. 28-jun-1948, d. no dod, double marker with husband pat glenn jr GLENN, Bonnie Smith, b. 11-jun-1938, d. no dod, double marker with max c glenn GLENN, Burley, b.1942, d.1980 GLENN, C.P., b.6-july-1881, d.4-feb-1941, w. mary a GLENN, Carrie G., b.12-feb-1920, double marker with rbt. t. GLENN, Charlie C., b. 21-sep-1893, d. 24-feb-1979, double marker with lula j glenn GLENN, Cora Lee, b.12-july-1904, d.7-mar-1983, p. geo. & melvie risner gilliam, h. lee ernest glenn GLENN, Curtis C., 1936, says 3 mos - only date GLENN, Curtis, b.9-aug-1886, d.9-apr-1935, double marker with evie b. GLENN, Edna G. Suttles, b.1897, d.1981, double marker with j. paul GLENN, Eunice Eliza, b.16-oct-1910, d.9-aug-1997, p. charlie & lula johnson glenn GLENN, Evie B., b.16-june-1884, d.4-nov-1946, double marker with curtis GLENN, Frances Tucker, b. ?, d.31-dec-1985, p. rbt burey & agnes slater tucker, h. harold woodrow glenn (burey as on card) GLENN, G. Alvin, b.1892, d. 19--, double marker with vivian l. GLENN, Gertie R, b.12-nov-1899, d.12-june-1973, double marker with rayford c. GLENN, Harold W., b.22-nov-1918, d.19-jan-1979 GLENN, Harriett E., dau. of mr. & mrs. robert glenn, b.24-aug-1945, d.17-july- 1948 GLENN, Henry F., b.21-feb-1890, d.17-jan-1912 GLENN, Infant son of g.a.. & v. glenn, b.2-jan-1916, d.7-jan-1916 GLENN, inf. son of mr. & mrs. lewis glenn, b.20-oct-1941, d.21-oct-1941 GLENN, J.B., b.10-may-1932, d.30-july-1957, double marker with rosalene m., military: sc pfc us army korea GLENN, J. Paul, b. 1887, d. 1936 GLENN, Jewell C., b. 2-dec-1913, d. 10-dec-1968, double marker with willard h glenn GLENN, John D., b.27-oct-1878, d.1-june-1932, beside ada b. GLENN, John L, b.13-june-1836, d.15-jan-1895, w. mary e. isbell glenn GLENN, Kenneth M, b.20-mar-1918, d.16-aug-1963, military marker: sc pvt us marine corp WWII GLENN, L. Harmon, b.2-sept-1916, d.26-june-1990, married 20-jan-1940, w. zonelle crenshaw glenn,p. charlie & lula johnson glenn GLENN, L.E., b.5-sept-1895, d.23-jan-1972, double marker with cora lee GLENN, Lawrence Ray, b.12-mar-1929, d.6-june-1991, p. john d. & ada broome glenn, marine vet korea, purple heart GLENN, Lee Ernest Jr., b.10-oct-1938, d.15-june-1995, w. rosa powell glenn, p. ernest sr. & cora gilliam glenn, army vet GLENN, Linda G., b. 7-dec-1947, d. no dod , double marker with roger d glenn GLENN, Louise F., b.21-july-1923, double marker with pat GLENN, Lula J., b.30-july-1897, d.8-feb-1964, double marker with charlie c. GLENN, Madgie, b.24-july-1922, d? GLENN, Mary A., b..3-june-1879, d.17-oct-1936, h. c.p. glenn GLENN, Mary E. Isbell, b.2-apr-1843, d.19-aug-1919, h. john l. GLENN, Mary S., b.14-aug-1902, d. 15-jun-1995, double marker with wallace m. GLENN, Max Clayton, a. 68y, b. 12-feb-1932, d.14-nov-2000, born in Anderson County, w. bonnie elizabeth smith glenn, p. wallace m. & mary simpson glenn GLENN, Minnie L., b.16-may-1909, d.27-apr-1981, double marker with wyatt h. GLENN, Nellie F., b. 1867, d. 1949, double marker with t. e. glenn GLENN, Pat, b.16-sept-1921, d.31-mar-1982, double marker with louise f. GLENN, Pat, Jr., b. 9-apr-1942 in pickens county, sc, d. 4-sep-2001, p. pat & louise fant glenn,sr., w. betty king glenn GLENN, Rayford C., b.23-feb-1907, d. 20-dec-1989, double marker with gertie r. GLENN, Robert T., b.10-may-1919, d,8-mar-1979, double marker with carrie g. GLENN, Roderick Crayton, b.23-mar-1928, d.9-may-1998, p. rayford crayton & gertie lee richardson glenn GLENN, Roger Dale, b.31-jul-1954, d.17-mar-1995, p. harold woodrow & frances tucker glenn, w. linda cape glenn GLENN, Ronnie Keith, b.12-may-1965, d.14-feb-1987, p. harold woodrow & frances tucker glenn GLENN, Rosa Imogene, b. 27-nov-1942, d. no dod, h. l e glenn jr GLENN, Rosaline M., b. 9-jun-1938, d. no dod GLENN, Roy Edgar, b.15-sept-1927, d.2-oct-1982, military: pfc us army korea GLENN, Ryan Dean, b.9-nov-1973, d.11-nov-1973 GLENN, Susie Kate, b. & d. 1923 GLENN, T. E., b. 1863, d. 1927, double marker with nellie f glenn GLENN, Thomas Jr., b.10-july-1925 GLENN, Viola Gail, b. 27-nov-1958, d. 30-nov-1958 GLENN, Vivian L., b.1893, d.1943, double marker with g. alvin GLENN, Wallace M., b.22-mar-1892, d.17-aug-1980, double marker with mary s., military: pfc us army WWI GLENN, Willard H., b. 10-jun-1918, d. no dod , double marker with jewell c glenn GLENN, Willie T., b.15-dec-1898, d.11-dec-1971, double marker with bessie mae s. GLENN, Wyatt H., b.7-feb-1911, d.4-dec-1988. P. curtis c. & evie brown glenn, w. minnie lou bailey glenn GLENN, Zonelle C., b.12-nov-1915, double marker with l. harmon GLYMLH, Harriet Sue C., b.1888, d.1980, double marker with monroe g. GLYMPH, Audrey Eunice, b.24-apr-1926, d.8-jan-1934 GLYMPH, Backman H., b.15-dec-1918, d.8-feb-1991, p. joseph seaborn & maude marett glymph, w. marie vernon burrus glymph, army vet WWII GLYMPH, Backmon H., b.20-june-1861, d.17-jan-1941, double marker with mary GLYMPH, Harriet Sue C., b. 1888, d. 1980, double marker with monroe g glymph GLYMPH, Henry Wyatt, b.14-feb-1909, d.4-feb-1986, p. joseph seaborn & maude marett glymph, u s army vet tec 5 WWII GLYMPH, Hilda Schulz(*), b.6-mar-1902, d.1-apr-1990, (paper states) hilda marie schultz glymph, p. karl & marie malone schultz, h. olin l. sr. GLYMPH, Jordan Seaborn, b. 17-dec-1983, d. 23-may-1989 GLYMPH, Joseph S., b.5-apr-1884, d.13-sept-1975, double marker with maude m. GLYMPH, Julius Lake, p. b.h. & mary glymph, b.27-july-1903, d.27-dec-1903 GLYMPH, Marie Burrus, b. 3-oct-1919, d. no dod , double marker with backmon h GLYMPH, Mary, b.16-june-1862, d.28-july-1945, double marker with backmon h. GLYMPH, Maude M., b.28-apr-1890, d.7-mar-1965, double marker with joseph s. GLYMPH, Monroe G.,b.19-oct-1887, d.2-apr-1949, double marker with harriet sue c. GLYMPH, Olin Leo, Sr., b.1-mar-1893, d.25-oct-1963, military: sc pvt co d 57 pioneer inf WWI, also here audrey eunice glymph GRAHAM, Lucy Turner, b. 10-nov-1881, d. 25-aug-1911 GRANT, Charles David, son of mr. & mrs. c.l. grant, b.20-feb-1946, d.14-feb-1951 GRANT, Ethel E., b.1892, d.1974, double marker with james d. GRANT, Hattie C., b.22-july-1872, d.14-mar-1963, see leonard m grant GRANT, James D., b.1869, d.1956, double marker with ethel e. GRANT, Lena M., b.28-jan-1909 GRANT, Leonard M., b.28-apr-1874, d.13-may-1942, 3-way marker with thomas everett & hattie c. grant GRANT, Nancy Leona Snipes, b.16-may-1927, d.22-jan-1995, p. weldon & effie sherrer snipes, h. talmadge e. sr. GRANT, Sallie, b.22-mar-1837, d.16-mar-1899 GRANT, Talmadge E., b. 4-apr-1922, d. no dodo, w. nancy s grant GRANT, Thomas Everett, b. 2-jun-1931, d. 22-aug-2002, p. clyde t & bernie tucker grant, triple marker with leonard & hattie grant GRAY, Eugene, b.29-sept-1889, d.21-mar-1933, military: ga pvt 325 inf 82 div, beside annie m. gray brock and l t gray GRAY, L.T., b.20-oct-1923, d.30-dec-1952, military: sc cpl btry c 250 fld arty bn WWII bsm-ph, see eugene gray GROGAN, Joe M. b. 15-may-1931, d. no dod GROGAN, Mildred White, b. 26-sep-1936, d. no dod GRUBBS, Ada Cromer, b.20-june-1889, d.19-aug-1967, beside benjamin f. GRUBBS, Agnes Acker, b.3-nov-1883, d.6-feb-1958, beside j. willis grubbs GRUBBS, Benjamin F., b.19-dec-1880, d.18-dec-1959, beside ada cromer grubbs GRUBBS, Frank W., b.1934, d.1952 GRUBBS, Fred M., b.1890, d.1932, double marker with ruby m. GRUBBS, George (Tip), b.1933, d.1978, double marker with nell w. GRUBBS, Irene G., b.1897, d.1973, double marker with richard w. GRUBBS, J. Willis, b.nov-1866, d. dec 1938, beside agnes acker grubbs GRUBBS, James Scuddy, b.1876, d.16-june-1893, double marker with nancy ellen, p. w.t. & n.m. grubs, says died aged 17y, 5m, 27d GRUBBS, Kristi Amanda, b.8-nov-1969, d.23-nov-1969 GRUBBS, Lola Coffman, b.15-may-1902, d.16-oct-1987, p. rev. john wesley & addie chapman coffman, h. millard f. grubbs GRUBBS, Lou E. Lindsey, b.24-apr-1866, d.15-nov-1925, h. j.w. grubbs GRUBBS, Millard Franklin, b.27-may-1909, d.13-june-1989, p. benjamin franklin & ada cromer grubbs, w. lola coffman grubbs GRUBBS, Nancy Ellen, d.30-jun-1896, a. 22 y, 9 mon, 24 days, p. w t & n m grubbs, double marker with james s grubbs GRUBBS, Nancy King, b.1848, d.1943, h. w.t. GRUBBS, Nell W., no dates, double marker with george tip grubbs GRUBBS, Raymond B., b. 15-apr-1916, d. 26-sep-1985, wwii GRUBBS, Richard W., b.1889, d.1953, double marker with irene g. GRUBBS, Robert D., b.18-jan-1937, d.14-jul-1981 GRUBBS, Roy George, Sr., b.7-dec-1910, d.17-apr-1991, p. benjamin f. & ada cromer grubbs, w. stella gaines grubbs, lt us navy vet GRUBBS, Ruby M., b.1893, d.1958, double marker with fred m. GRUBBS, Stella G., b. 11-nov-1923, d. no dod , h. roy g grubbs GRUBBS, Swanee P., b. 3-sep-1909, d. no dod GRUBBS, W.T., b.1841, d.1923, w. nancy king grubbs, military: co k 4sc inf csa HALE, Beatrice J., b.29-jan-1904, d.15-nov-1976, double marker with marvin w. HALE, Marvin W., b.3-may-1910, d.11-sept-1990, p. wm. louis & minnie davis hale, w. beatrice johnson hale, also here laura l hale & rachel hale whitfield HALL, Ernest Horace, b. 1924, d. 14-dec-2001 in easley, sc., us army vet, next to w. lucille frances hall HALL, Elene King, b.25-mar-1925, d.3-aug-1993, p. jim king, h. haskell carline hall sr. HALL, Haskell Carl, b. 19-jun-1944, d. 1-mar-2002, p. haskell clay & elene k. lecroy hall, w.shelby jean hall, m. 34 years HALL, Haskell Clay, Sr., b.27-mar-1923, d.15-july-1988, p. james & minnie lecroy hall, w. elene king hall, army vet WWII HALL, Kenneth Wayne, b.1968, d.7-sept-2000, stepfather: joseph cheek, s/o late betty lou hall cheek HALL, Lucille Frances Chastain Albertson, b.1927, d.2-dec-1997, p. eulyses & janie johnson chastain, h. ernest horace hall HALL, Marvin, b.1973, d.1974 HALL, Michael, b. 1961, 1962 HALL, Shelby Jean, b. 1-may-1952, d. no dod , double marker with haskell carl hall, m. 34 years HARBIN, Caroline R., no dates, footstone on matilda r. harbin's grave, unkown if this is the same HARBIN, Colus M., b. 18-may-1898, d. no dod, double marker with ella d harbin HARBIN, Dora Glymph, b.6-june-1882, d.19-june-1965, double marker with joseph shelor harbin HARBIN, Ella D., b. 17-may-1901, d. 24-feb-1964, double marker with colus m harbin HARBIN, Joseph Shelor, b.3-dec-1871, d.28-jan-1919, double marker with dora glymph harbin HARBIN, Mary W., b. 1764 in nc, d. 8-sep-1855 HARBIN, Matilda R., b.21-june-1812, d.1849, moved from thomas harbin place "watson hill" HARBIN, S. M., b. 22-jan-1845, d. 24-___, 1890, *stone broken & difficult to read HARBIN, Thomas, b. n.c. ca 1760, d.1-aug-1808, moved from thomas harbin place "watson hill", also here thomas, matilda, mary w. harbin HARBIN, Thomas, b.10-may-1801, d.1853, a. 52y, 3m, 2d, moved from thomas harbin place "watson hill" HARBIN, Willie, b.3-may-18(?), d.30-dec-1879, p. s.m. & s.e. harbin HARRISON, Annie, b.17-sept-1816, d.22-aug-1883, h. martin harrison HARRISON, Annie Cleo, b.21-dec-1883, d.1-mar-1931, also here charles lee hubbard HARRISON, Benjamin F., b.1846, d.1905, double marker with mary e. HARRISON, Mary E., b.1853, d.1909, double marker with benjamin f. HEAD, Dollie, b.1918, d.1971, beside emmett p. HEAD, Doris G.,b.2-july-1933, d.9-apr-1983, p. charlie & lula johnson gleen, h. lewis (sic) HEAD, Eddie Lane, b. 1951, d. 1999 HEAD, Emmett P., b.1913, d.1976, beside dollie HEAD, James H., b. 18-nov-1876, d. 28-jan-1943, double marker with tissie g head HEAD, Louis, b.5-july-1924, d.30-may-1991, p. james henry & tissie grant head, w. doris jan head, pfc us army wwii HEAD, Thomas Eugene, b.25-apr-1922, d.26-july-1987, p. james henry & tissie grant head, pfc army vet WWII HEAD, Tina, b.14-feb-1918, d.9-sept-1986, p. janes henry & tissie grant head HEAD, Tissie G., b.20-mar-1889, d.4-oct-1965, double marker with james h. HEAD, W.T. (Will), b.1909, d.1966, funeral marker says william taft head HEMBREE, Mollie Nix, b.1895, d.1979 HENDRIX, Billy Ray, b.12-jan-1947, d.2-dec-1969, double marker with wm. e. HENDRIX, Fred J., b.1900, d.1966, beside ruth estell HENDRIX, Jimmy Dean, b.1961, d.4-dec-1996, p. eva head hendrix & j.w. HENDRIX, Ruth Estell, b.1910, d.1954, beside fred j. HENDRIX, William E., b.1-may-1944, d.2-june-1979, double marker with billy ray hendrix HENSON, Fred N. "Pop", b. 1907, d. 1983 HERRING, Betty R., b. 14-jul-1931, d. no dod, m. 27-may-1950 to garland a herring HERRING, Charlene G., b.12-sept-1930, double marker with levis w. HERRING, Charles Ray, b.11-sep-1912, d.18-sepr-1995, p. charles wm. & selma mary brock herring HERRING, Charles W., b.21-nov-1884, d.14-aug-1936, double marker with selma b, son charles ray herring in this plot. HERRING, G.W., b.28-dec-1910, d.11-apr-1985, p. chas. w. & selma brock herring, double marker with oriss c herring HERRING, Garland A., b.24-july-2939, d.2-dec-1975, double marker with betty r., m. 27-may-1950 HERRING, Levis W., b.27-mar-1925, d.13-july-1983, p. henry grady & inez nobia buffington herring, h. charlene glenn gerring HERRING, Marcus Dale, Jr. "Mark", b.1975, d.1975 HERRING, Oriss C., b.11-nov-1913, d.30-june-1992, p. charlie cain, h. g.w. herring HERRING, Ruby J., b.29-feb-1912, d.29-jan-1995, p. wm. lee & elijah richardson johnson, h. talford h. HERRING, Selma B., b.7-nov-1887, d.24-apr-1968, double marker with charles w. HERRING, Talford H., b.22-nov-1904, d.26-apr-1973, double marker with ruby j. HICKS, "Dob", b.1891, d.1967, double marker with "hat" HICKS, "Hat", b.1886, d.1966, double marker with "dob" HICKS, Ben S., b.2-feb-1856, d.5-oct-1940, w. elisabeth "hix" HICKS, Gladys Glenn, b.18-july-1924, double marker with noah curtis hicks HICKS, Noah Curtis, b.19-june, 1924, double marker with gladys glenn hicks HICKS, Waco, b. 1904, d. 1927 HILLIARD, Ellen, b.1858, d.1930, double marker with lee HILLIARD, Lee, b.1853, d.1926, double marker with ellen HILLIARD, Sallie E., b.16-apr-1886, d.20-sept-1918, says wife of dan hilliard HIPPS, Millie S., b.1890, d.1958 HIPPS, Minnie Mae, b.2-jan-1901, d.30-nov-1980 HIPS, LEVI, b.10-may-1895, d.4-feb-1917 HIX, Balus, b. 23-apr-1808, d. 27-mar-1883 HIX, Elisabeth, b.23-feb-1866, d.3-nov-1914, h. ben s., her name is hix - but his as hicks HIX, Harriet A. Perry, b.26-dec-1830, d.20-jan-1893, h. wm. john hix HIX, Lula Perry, no dates, triple marker with harriet a perry hix & william john hix HIX, William John, b.5-oct-1835, d.2-dec-1891, w. harriet a. perry hix, also here is lula perry hix HOLCOMBE, Bill W., b. 1904, d. 1970 HOLCOMBE, G. L., b. 1924, d. 1963 HOLCOMBE, Jessie D., b. 1926, d. no dod, double marker with mary k holcombe HOLCOMBE, Jessie J., b. 3-jul-1896, d. 25-jan-1980, double headstone with lessie f., military marker: pvt us army wwI HOLCOMBE, Lessie F., b. 4-feb-1907, d. 2-aug-1971, double headstone with jessie j. HOLCOMBE, Mary K., b. 1930, d. no dod, double marker with jessie d holcombe HOLCOMBE, Mammie S., no dates HOLCOMBE, William C., b. 1860, d. 1960 HOLLAND, R. D., b. 2-apr-1916, d. 28-jun-1916 HOLLAND, Robert M., b. 1843, d. 18-may-1862 in camp at adams run sc, raised marble slab beside sallie c. holland kidd, p. w.w. & j.m. holland, a. 19 yrs. 12 days HOLLAND, W. W., b. 4-jan-1819, d. 31-dec-1892, single headstone is broken HORNICK, Annie V., b. 13-apr-1900 czechoslovakia, d. 25-dec-1990, double headstone with frank c., p. charles carl & anna m. voborill, h. frank charles hornick HORNICK, Baby Boy, only date 12-jun-1944, p. wm & terez hornick HORNICK, Frank C., b. 6-may-1895, d. 5-oct-1974, double marker with annie v hornick, also here helen HORNICK, Helen F., b. 3-jul-1922, d. 30-may-1925, single headstone, p. mr. & mrs. f.c. hornick HORNICK, Herbert D., b. 7-jun-1941, d. 14-jan-1942, p. f c & a v hornick HORNICK, Josephine, b. 15-apr-1936, d. 19-apr-1936, hand-carved concrete covered grave, beside william hornick HORNIK, Antonie Labut, b. 20-jun-1865, d. 8-mar-1946, double headstone with h. william j. HORNIK, William J., b. 25-mar-1863, d. 12-may-1930, double headstone with w. antonie labut hornik HOWARD, J. C., b. 1-oct-1869, d. 3-mar-1891, single headstone HUBBARD, Charles Lee, b.23-mar-1928, d.25-mar-1950, also here annie cleo harrison HUDGENS, James, b.1851, d.9-sept-1900, a. 49, double marker with nannie hudgens o'sheals HUDSON, Elbert F., b.1-june-1873, d.28-dec-1914 HUDSON, Etha Louise, dau. of e m . & e f . hudson, b.2-mar-1910, d.13-sept-1911 HUMPHRIES, Frances Campbell Moody, b.10-feb-1924, d.2-july-1998, h. lewis d. humphries, p. ira & lula hudgens campbell HUNT, Bert Eugene, b.26-jul-1919, d.20-feb-1999, w. katie lee hunt, p. bert e. sr. & ethel hammond hunt HUNT, Katie Lee, b. 15-apr-1919, d. no dod, m. 22-sep-1940, h. bert e hunt HUNTLEY, Edward Neal, Jr., b. 1-aug-1942, d. 20-dec-2001, military marker sp4 us army vet, w. pam hunt huntley, HYDE, Ella Mary Jane Head, b.1-jan-1916, d.25-apr-1996, p. james henry & tissie grant head, h. david elmo ISBELL, Billy, b.9-mar-1940, d.11-mar-1940, p. mr. & mrs. m.a. isbell ISBELL, Carl Ronald, b. 4-nov-1940, d. no dod ISBELL, Dock F., b.1876, d.1958, double marker with s. blanche, also here millard, utez, patrick, john ISBELL, Ellen, b.1820, d.23-may-1861, a.41y, h. rev. samuel ISBELL, Fred Truitt, b.14-oct-1934, d.7-oct-1989, p. fred d. & gladys sheriff isbell, w. sue nell meredith isbell ISBELL, Janie, b.30-apr-1878, d.28-july-1910, p. robert & nancy isbell ISBELL, John Earl, b.18-jan-1870, d.8-mar-1938, p. robert & nannie isbell ISBELL, Levingston, b.1804, d.24-sept-1877, a. 73y, 4m, w. m.m. ISBELL, M. M., b. 4-may-1807, d. 7-apr-1897, "consort" of levingston isbell ISBELL, Mary Pope Ogilvie, b. 3-feb-1861, d. 11-aug-1911, double marker with o frank isbell ISBELL, Mary White, b. 6-jan-1944, d. no dod ISBELL, Millard A., b.17-may-1908, d.6-aug-1985, p. d.f. & sue blanche isbell isbell, w. utez patrick isbell ISBELL, Nancy M., b. 10-jul-1845, d. 21-aug-1895, h. robert isbell ISBELL, O. Frank, b. 6-apr-1854, d. 2-dec-1924, double marker with mary pope ogilvie isbell ISBELL, Patrick H., b.17-apr-1910, d.14-mar-1982, military marker: pfc us army WW1 ISBELL, Robert, b.1-aug-1829, d.2-may-1900, double marker with nancy m. ISBELL, S. Blanche, b.1882, d.1936, double marker with dock f. ISBELL, Samuel, Rev., b.1813, d.27-jan-1878, a. 65y, w. ellen ISBELL, Sue N. Meredith, b. 24-apr-1936, d. no dod, m. 10-mar-1956, h. fred t isbell ISBELL, Thomas, Sr., b.12-feb-1874, d.26-jan-1947 ISBELL, Thomas C., Jr., b. 1914, d. 1987, stone reads "in memorial" ISBELL, Utez P., b.11-nov-1911, d.17-sept-1985, p. bart & ida smith patrick, h. m.a. "bill" isbell ISBELL, William, b.28-nov-1846, d.24-june-1898 IVEY, Lillie S., b.1890, d.1977 JACKSON, infant of j l. &i e., b.17-nov-1912, d.17-nov-1912, double marker with another infant of j.l. & i.e. JACKSON, infant of j l. & i e., b.18-nov-1911, d.18-nov-1911, double marker with another infant of j.l. & i.e. JACKSON, J.L., b.30-dec-1855, d.20-sept-1925 JARRARD, Hassie, b.12-aug-1876, d.9-apr-1880, p. l.l. & j.l. jarrard JOHNSON, H. Clive, b.5-july-1908, d.24-apr-1963, double marker with, m. lucille JOHNSON, M. Lucille, b.24-nov-1908, d.16-apr-1994, p. charles w. & selma brock herring, double marker with h. clive JOHNSON, Mabel Lanier, b.22-apr-1900, d.26-feb-1981, double marker with william l. (bunk) JOHNSON, William L. (Bunk), b.16-oct-1900, d.6-mar-1945, double marker with lanier johnson JORDAN, Christopher Shane, b.17-jun-1988, d.5-jan-1999, mother & stepfather: tammy lynn jordan & ervin cassell JORDAN, Joe Junior, b.8-may-1946, d.11-dec-1978 KEASLER, Edna M. b. 1918, d. no dod, h. robert l keasler KEASLER, Robert Lee, b.1913, d.17-june-1991, p. g.m & ada campbell keasler, w. edna marett keasler, army vet WWII KIDD, Infant Daughter, 11-aug-1872, p. capt j m & s c kidd KIDD, Sallie C. Holland, no dates, next to r m holland KIMBRELL, Betty S., b. 21-aug-1934, m. 9-may-1955, double marker with harvey l kimbrell KIMBRELL, Donnie L. b. 19-feb-1957, d. 30-may-1957, p. h l & b s kimbrell KIMBRELL, Harvey L., b. 7-jul-1935, double marker with betty s kimbrell KING, Almer B., b.29-july-1919, d. 27-dec-1993, mil marker pvt us army WWI, double marker with gladys m KING, Annie Mae, b.8-aug-1913, d.21-mar-1997, p. lump & bessie powell, h. s.p. KING, Brenda Gail, b.1953, d.1953 KING, Bud C., b.1904, d.1970, double marker with may g. KING, Carl H., b.1899, d.1969, beside junie g. KING, Carl Hampton, Jr., b.13-apr-1924, d.7-jan-1962, military marker: sc s2 usnr WWII, beside doris k. moore KING, Edna H., b.19-dec-1919, double marker with s.t. KING, Forrest T., b.1-dec-1938, d.16-dec-1972, m. willie s king KING, Gladys M., b.22-sept-1924, d.11-mar-1973, double marker with almer b. KING, Jack J., b.4-mar-1944, d.26-sept-1974, double marker with sandra i. KING, James Lawrence, b. 27-nov-1854, d. 10-jul-1928 KING, John Douglas, b.12-jan-1957, d.17-mar-1957, p. mr. & mrs. bub king KING, John Roy Sr., b.26-nov-1910, d.16-dec-1975 KING, Junie G., b.1900, d.1939, beside carl h. KING, Lena, b.28-apr-1838, d.8-july-1923 KING, Lewis J., b.21-june-1857, d.11-feb-1906 KING, Martha Susan, b.1-jan-1956, d.10-mar-1956 KING, May G., b.1910, d.1932, double marker with bub c. KING, Memphis T., b.15-mar-1896, d.7-feb-1960, double marker with sylvia l. KING, Memphis T.,Jr., b.11-june-1938, d.29-may-1976 KING, Milton Reese, b. & d. 1926, infant son of mr. & mrs. bub c. king KING, Mimmie C. b. 1873, d. 1934, double marker with wayne king KING, Roy Junior, b.26-jun-1941., d.3-sept-1983, p. john roy & willie savage king KING, S.P., b.12-june-1907, d.12-sept-1979, double marker with annie mae KING, S.T., Sr., b.9-sept-1917, d.14-july-1974, double marker with edna h., military marker: pfc us army KING, Sandra I., b.3-may-1944, double marker with jack J. KING, Sylvia L., b.29-sept-1898, d,22-dec-1947, double marker with memphis t. king KING, Talmadge, b. 11-jan-1884, d. 27-jun-1886 KING, Wayne, b. 1878, d. 1963, double marker with mimmie c king KING, Willie Loree Savage, b.19-jun-1912, d.1-oct-1993, p. wm. & pelzer savage, h. john roy king KIRK, Samuel Isaac, b. 29-jan-1993, d. 29-jan-1993, p. stephen & vickie kirk KIRK, Stephen Heath, b. 29-jan-1993, d. 29-jan-1993, p.stephen & vickie kirk KIRK, Stephen W., b. 1955, d. no dod, 4 way marker with stephen h., samuel i., vickie t kirk KIRK, Vickie T., b. 1964, d. no dod, 4 way marker with stephen h., samuel i., stephen w. kirk LAFOY, Ethel Mae L., b. 24-jun-1915, d. 18-jan-1977, h. claude lafoy LAFOY, William Eugene, b.1949, d.7-may-1988, p. claude & ethel mae leroy lafoy LAND, Sallie, b. 23-oct-1837, d. 22-nov-1908, h. john l land, see salena land carnes LANIER, Jeff E., b.23-june-1884, d.7-jan-1964, see johnny lanier LANIER, Johnny W., b.20-mar-1908, d.9-dec-1961, 3-way marker with minnie & jefff e. lanier LANIER, Minnie, b.25-may-1882, d.2-aug-1962, 3-way marker with jeff e. & johnny w. LEATHERS, Amanda Missouri Maret, b.25-may-1863, d.10-june-1884, h wm. W. leathers, p. andrew j. & nancy e. maret LEATHERS, Julia R., b.19-apr-1874, d.14-may-1911, h. r.s. leathers LEATHERS, Lou E., b.1849, d.1930, beside rbt. F. LEATHERS, Mary E., b.17-sept-1845, d.21-dec-1890, h. robert f. LEATHERS, Robert F., b.15-aug-1848, d.24-apr-1909, beside lou e. & wife mary e. LECROY, Azilee, b.22-jan-1925, d.26-jan-1925, infant dtr. of mr. & mrs. jim w. lecroy LECROY, Billie D., b. & d.1-aug-1947, LECROY, Clarence William, b.1-seo-1916, d.24-mar-1985, p. john dozer & sara teresa stanridge lecroy, also here linda d, jimmy w lecroy LECROY, Eddie W., b.15-jan-1906, d.9-dec-1980, double marker with eva l. LECROY, Elizabeth Standridge, b.1906C, d.3-nov-1996, p. wm. worth & mary blackwell standridge, h. wm. snow lecroy LECROY, Emma Shiflet, b.1891, d.1921, "mother", see william s lecroy LECROY, Eva L., b.4-nov-1915, double marker with eddie w. LECROY, Evelyn, b.21-nov-1932, d.24-nov-1932, same plot as loyd LECROY, Harvie C., b.1871, d.1953, double marker with maggie mc. K. LECROY, J. Carlisle, b. 28-oct-1931, d. 17-mar-1966 LECROY, Jimmy W., b. 22-oct-1945, d. 8-apr-1947 LECROY, John D., b.12-feb-1897, d.7-nov-1963, double marker with teresa s. LECROY, Lee, b.1906, d.1922, d.2-may-1964, see william s lecroy LECROY, Linda D., b. 6-oct-1956, d. 2-may-1964 LECROY, Lizzie Beth, b.1906, d. 1996, double marker with wm. s. LECROY, Loyd, b. & d. 26-apr-1938, same plot as evelyn LECROY, Maggie Mc K., b. 1878, d. 1948, double marker with harvie c lecroy LECROY, Michael, a. 4w, d.nov 1964 LECROY, Ramon R., b.14-oct-1946, d.14-oct-1946, buried in wm s. lecroy plots LECROY, Ruby, b.1920, d.1934, beside ramon r., buried in wm. s. lecroy plots LECROY, Sam A., b.1884, d.1967 LECROY, Teresa S., b.25-nov-1893, double marker with john d. LECROY, William S., b.1881, d.1957, double marker with lizzie beth, also here: raymon p, ruby, emma s, billie d., lee lecroy and winfed busby LEDFORD, Gracie M., b.29-sept-1903, d.29-may-1905, beside mary m. LEDFORD, Mary M., b.3-mar-1896, d.11-mar-1908, beside gracie m. LEROY, J. Carlisle, b.28-oct-1931, d.17-mar-1966 LEVIN, Kevin Scott, b.1983, d.21-feb-1983, p. evelyn ann levin LEWIS, Bertha S., b. 11-oct-1905, d. 12-may-1978 LEWIS, DeWitt, b. 28-jan-1907, d. 8-aug-1970 LEWIS, inf. son of Preston & Nancy, 1958 (only date) LEWIS, James Samuel, b.2-july-1890, d.20-dec-1973, marker says: james s. lewis LINDSEY, Lucy Wheeler, b.7-june-1862, d.18-apr-1937 LORD, Mary Marett, b.17-feb-1925, beside rev. wade hampton lord LORD, Wade Hampton, Rev., b.30-nov-1923, beside mary marett lord LOTHERY, Lou Frances Maret, b. 1916, d. no dod, h. wesley b lothery LOTHERY, Wesley B., Sr., b.1918, d.23-july-1992, p. oscar banks lothery, w. lou frances marett lothery, army vet WWII LOVELACE, Bernice Maret, b. 11-oct-1901, d. 8-sep-1994, h. henry u lovelace LOVELACE, Henry U., b.30-oct-1895, d.16-apr-1965, military marker: sc sgt co b 7 machine gun bn WWI , w. bernice maret lovelace LOVINGGOOD, Carrie G., b. 1880, d. 1962, h. henry m lovinggood LOVINGGOOD, Henry M., b.1869, d.1953, double headstone with corrie g. LOUISE, Glennie, b. 11-may-1929, d. 24-aug-1986 LUNDKOVSKY, William Gregory, b.13-sep-1957, d.10-nov-1987, p. james w. & lucille whitfield lundkovsky, w. daren johnson lundkovsky MADDEN, Arnetta Meredith, b. 11-mar-1927, d. no dod, m. 12-oct-1947, h. curtis harold madden, MADDEN, Curtis Harold, b. 12-aug-1926, d. no dod, m. 12-oct-1947, w. arnetta meredith madden MARET, Aline B., b.1866, d.1949, double marker with cicero s. MARET, Augusta Bradberry, b.2-nov-1861, d.23-apr-1942, double marker with j. lawrence orr maret MARET, Blanche A., b.1894, d.1962 MARET, Carrie, b.1890, d.1971, see cicero MARET, Cicero S., b.1864, d.1940, double marker with aline b. (aline, as on card), also here carrie MARET, Claude Lee, b.24-nov-1881, d.15-jan-1947 MARET, Cromer, b.15-may-1887, d.16-june-1889, p. e.j. & n.e. maret MARET, D. Lamar, b. 26-oct-1921, d. 22-may-1993 MARET, Edna Susan Simmons, b.3-july-1824, d.25-sept-1909, p. rev. david simmons, h. george w. MARET, Escar King, b.1-jun-1899, d.24-nov-1983, p. mr. & mrs. edward d. king, h. paul l. maret MARET, Frances Walter, b.6-nov-1785, d.24-nov-1880, h. john maret MARET, George W., b.16-mar-1821, d.27-feb-1903, w. edna susan simmons maret MARET, Infant daughter of g & ls maret, b. jul-1861, d. 12-dec-1862 MARET, Infant son of r j & n e marett. b/d 1883 MARET, J. Lawrence Orr, b.24-nov-1851, d.6-dec-1917, double marker with augusta bradberry maret MARET, James F., b.14-jan-1838, d.21-july-1856, p. benjamin & lucinda maret, professor of the methodist church in full hope MARET, James Hoyt, Sr., b.17-apr-1903, d.24-oct-1988, p. j.l.o. & augustus bradberry maret, w. lois lovinggood maret, WWII vet MARET, John, b.7-sept-1785, d.11-apr-1862, w. frances walters maret MARET, Kettuah Pauline, b.8-feb-1867, d.31-dec-1867, p. g.w. & e.s. maret MARET, Lois Lovinggood, b.11-nov-1907, d.7-oct-1992, p. henry marion & corrie glymph lovingood, h. james h., sr. MARET, Lula E., b.13-nov-1887, d.9-jan-1894 MARET, Myrtle B., b. 1925, d. 1991, double marker with paul l maret jr. MARET, Paul L., Jr., b.1920, d. 1990, double marker with myrtle b marett, mil marker col us air force WWII MARET, Paul Lemuel, b.23-june-1891, d.20-apr-1940 MARET, Pearl Elizabeth, d.1-july-1926 MARET, Robert Franklin, b.1-june-1862, d.11-may-1863, p. j.h. & n.m. maret MARET, Rutha A., b.6-dec-1817, d.21-apr-1881 MARET, Tecoa Francis, b.17-july-1861, d.12-dec-1862, p. g.w. & e.s. maret MARET, Wade Hampton, b.19-apr-1883, d.7-jan-1943 MARETT, Albert Hall, b.10-nov-1892, d.19-oct-1951, beside gladys vandiver marett MARETT, Allen R., b.16-sept-1859, d.9-may-1938, w. lavonia giles marett MARETT, Andrew J., b.6-dec-1817, d.17-may-1891, 3-way marker with nancy p. & caroline e. MARETT, Ben J., b.1860, d.1930, double marker with ellen bruce marett MARETT, Ben Jefferson, b.1-feb-1915, beside eileen prichard marett MARETT, Benjamin, b.1740, d. 1830, mil marker "continental line revolutionary war" MARETT, Caroline E., b. 10-feb-1819, d. 25-nov-1899, h. andrew j marett MARETT, Catharine Amanda, b.22-feb-1912, d.13-jan-1958 MARETT, Charley H., b.5-dec-1886, d.16-aug-1959, military marker: sc pfc 160 co trans corps WWI, beside laura m. MARETT, Clarence Marcus, son of A.R. & Lavonia Marett, b.13-dec-1899, d.10-june- 1901 MARETT, Cora, Mrs., b.10-apr-1891, d.5-nov-1918 MARETT, David H., b.20-feb-1862, d.9-nov-1924 MARETT, Dessie C., b. 6-mar-1895, d. 24-mar-___? MARETT, Eileen Prichard, b.16-mar-1911, beside ben jefferson marett MARETT, Ellen Bruce, b.1861, d.1949, double marker with ben j. MARETT, Evangeline S., b.9-mar-1899, d.24-june-1966, double marker with talmadge MARETT, Gladys Vandiver, b.24-feb-1892, d.9-aug-1979, beside albert hall marett MARETT, Herbert Dewey, b. ? , d.30-sept-1990, p. isom luther & mamie cothran marett, w. sue martha coffey marett, army vet WWII MARETT, I. Luther, b.29-apr-1885, d.12-dec-1963, double marker with mamie c. MARETT, Ila J., dau. of w.h. & m.j. marrett, b.24-oct-1883, d. 24-dec-1887 MARETT, inf. dau. of L.B. & Janie, b.15-sept-1909, d.15-sept-1909 MARETT, infant son of A.H. & C.M., 1923, only date MARETT, J. Martin, b.21-june-1866, d.30-aug-1905 MARETT, Janie P. Crawford, b. 16-feb-1885, d.17-may-1968, double marker with larry buetrann marett MARETT, Jodah Harbin, b. 1755, d. 1830, next to benjamin marett MARETT, Larkin A., b.16-jan-1856, d.9-june-1937, double marker with lou c. MARETT, Larry Buetrann, b. 27-aug-1880, d. 6-nov-1955, double marker with janie p c marett, also here catherine smanda marett & inf daughter MARETT, Laura M., b.17-oct-1888, d.16-dec-1977, beside charley h. MARETT, Lavonia Giles, b.27-jan-1871, d.17-dec-1946, h. allen r. MARETT, Lewis R., b. 12-mar-1829, d. 9-jul-1863 in gettysburg, mil marker (in memory of) pvt co c 2 sc inf csa, w. jane keese marett, s. j t marett, d. harriet marett clark, p. stephen & lucy marett MARETT, Lou C., b.6-may-1861, d.14-apr-1930, double marker with larkin a. MARETT, Lucy Walters, b. 28-jan-1787, d. 28-apr-1877, h. stephen marett, *sep. stone: children: cleveland, elizabeth, benjamin, mary, john, elijah, andrew, isham, wyley, thomas, middleton, harriet, lewis, martha MARETT, Lula B., Mrs., b.11-dec-1856, d.20-may-1919 MARETT, Mamie C., b.18-may-1887, d.3-dec-1964, double marker with i. luther MARETT, Martha, b.17-oct-1831, d.6-aug-1876, h. s.a. MARETT, Mary r., b.4-sept-1828, d.28-dec-1903 MARETT, Matilda, b. 18-feb-1836?, d. 19-nov-1908?, stone difficult to read MARETT, Middleton A., mil marker pvt co K 22 sc regt, csa, b. 18-nov-1825, d. 22-jul-1864 MARETT, Nancy P., b.16-sept-1825, d.28-sept-1864, h. anndrew j. MARETT, Ralph J., b.5-oct-1933, d.28-nov-1980, military marker: sc sp4 us army signal corps MARETT, Robert H., b.23-feb-1858, d.2-nov-1931 MARETT, S.A., b.31-jan-1824, d.17-may-1905, w. martha MARETT, Stephen, b. 20-feb-1770, d. 27-jul-1852, w. lucy MARETT, Talmadge, b.29-june-1894, d.3-apr-1930, double marker with evangeline s. MARETT, Vera M., b. 17-oct-1888, d. 16-dec-1977, double marker with charley h marett MARETT, Wickliff J., b.1921, d.1972 MARETT, William Paul, b.22-sept-1886, d.13-feb-1967, military marker: horseshoer medical dept WWI MARRETT, Roderick H., b.8-mar-1925, d.19-apr-1925 MARSHALL, Ada C., b.28-oct-1872, d.14-feb-1979, (a. 107 y),double marker with winfield MARSHALL, Winfield, b.30-mar-1887, d.14-feb-1955, double marker with ada c. MARTIN, Mary E., b. 6-jun-1905, d. 1-sep-1909 MASON, Eina H., b. 4-apr-1920, d. no dod, h. rev robert e mason MASON, Hepsey E., b.2-dec-1842, d.5-feb-1854, p. b.& l. mason MASON, Laura McGee, b. 9-may-1811, d. 27-aug-1904, h. b mason MASON, Robert Edwin, b.22-mar-1918, d.19-feb-1993, p. james rbt. & maggie lela moore mason, w. euna herring mason MAYS, John Elwood, b.20-mar-1856, d.22-sept-1933, w. mary f. clark mays MAYS, John Harris, b.11-sept-1918, d.22-jan-1920, p. w.c. & k.l. mays MAYS, John William, b.4-july-1912, d.16-june-1931 MAYS, Kate L. Harris, b.20-jan-1891, d.27-mar-1959, beside wm. clayton mays MAYS, Mary F. Clark, b.6-may-1858, d.22-may-1910, h. john elwood mays MAYS, Samuel Edgar, b.2-apr-1882, d.9-oct-1953 MAYS, William Clayton, M.D., b.11-july-1886, d.8-dec-1981, beside kate l. harris mays MCABEE, Larry Edward, b. 17-feb-1961, d. 17-mar-1990 MCALISTER, Larah, Miss, b.1849, d.20-may-1918 MCDONALD, Katie B., b.1922, d.1960 MCMAHAN, Thomas t., b.19-oct-1892, d.30-nov-1982, p. thomas alexander & mamie barton mcmahan, h. willie bagwell mcmahan MCMAHAN, Willie b., b.15-feb-1893, d.24-jan-1974, double marker with thomas t. MEREDITH, Bertie G., b. 19-may-1931, d. no dod, double marker with leon m meredith MEREDITH, Elise R., b. 30-nov-1924, d. no dod, double marker with jack o meredith MEREDITH, Glen R., b.13-may-1912, d.28-dec-1913, p, j.c. & rosa meredith, double marker with rosa a. MEREDITH, infant son of J.C. & Ellen, no dates MEREDITH, infant son of J.r. & Pauline, 26-jan-1937, only date MEREDITH, Jack O., b. 19-feb-1923, d. no dod, double marker with elize r meredith, also here j lake meredith MEREDITH, James Guy, b.1913C, d.1-oct-1983, p. mrs. rocie mcdonald & wm. albert meredith MEREDITH, James J., b. 15-feb-1911, d. 21-feb-1978, double marker with mary h meredith MEREDITH, Jesse C., b.1878, d.1942, double marker with m. ellen MEREDITH, John R., b.8-dec-1909, d.5-dec-1986, p. francis marion & mamie broome meredith, w. pauline williams meredith MEREDITH, Julius Lake, b.24-apr-1917, d.17-oct-1987, p. jesse & ellen glenn meredith, w. marie glenn meredith MEREDITH, Leon M. b. 27-oct-1929, d. no dod, double marker with bertie g meredith MEREDITH, M. Ellen, b.1897, d.1972, double marker with jesse c. MEREDITH, Mamie B., b. 1883, d. 1963, double marker with marion f meredith MEREDITH, Marie Glenn, b. 15-feb-1915 in anderson county, d. 19-oct-2002, h. j lake meredith, p. john david & ada broome glenn MEREDITH, Marion F., b. 1876, d. 1942, double marker with mamie b meredith MEREDITH, Mary H., b. 11-jul-1915, d. no dod, double marker with james j meredith MEREDITH, Maxie W., b.22-july-1922, double marker with w.j. (bill) MEREDITH, Pauline W., b.3-july-1915, double marker with john r. MEREDITH, Rosa A., b.24-oct-1894, d.10-nov-1912, h. j.c. meredith MEREDITH, Susan, b.3-may-1853, d.27-jan-1912 MEREDITH, W.J. (Bill), b.22-july-1918, d.9-oct-1957, double marker with maxie w. MITCHELL, Angela Carter, b. 6-apr-1981, d. 9-sep-2002, d. selina alexis mitchell MITCHELL, Selina Alexis, b.16-jan-2000, d.17-jan-2000, p. jeremy mitchell, angela carter mitchell MITCHELL, Thelma W., b. 1896, d.1978, double marker with thomas u mitchell MITCHELL, Theo E., b. 8-nov-1915, d. 20-dec-1918, p. t u & t w mitchell, next to thomas uriel & thelma w mitchell MITCHELL, Thomas Uriel, b. 1892, d. 1926, double marker with thelma w mitchell, also here theo f mitchell MOORE, Bessie L., b.5-july-1904, d. 6-dec-1969, double marker with roland h. MOORE, Doris K., b.7-nov-1933, d.23-aug-1972 MOORE, Roland H., b.28-sept-1905, double marker with bessie l. MOORE, twins, 1972 MORROW, Infant of b _ & _ n morrow, b. _1825, d. _1826, stone hard to read MORTON, Annie V., b. 22-may-189_, d. 25-mar-1899?, p. _ & mary I morton, stone difficult to read MORTON, Ila, b.1884, d.24-oct-1902, a. abt. 18y., h. w.t. morton MOSELEY, William R., b. 1908, d. 1976, funeral marker only MURPHY, Lela Mae, b. 31-mar-1931, d. 8-aug-1985 NALLEY, Florence Marett, b.1897, d.1973 NIX, A.A., b.1877, d.1941 NIX, Jessie McDuffie, b.13-mar-1898, d.12-aug-1902, a. 3 yrs 5 mos 1 day NIX, Luther, b. 30-nov-1921, d. 4-jan-1923, p. g h & r a nix NORRIS, Belton J., son of p.w. & addie norris, b.21-july-1911, d.16-june-1920 NORRIS, Etta Hancock, b.1879, d.1959 NORRIS, Jake, b. 6-sep-1919, d. 2-apr-1992, mil marker pfc us army WWII NORRIS, Jake Jr., b.1948, d.1948 NORRIS, Jesse J., b.1900, d.1974, NORRIS, Perry W., b.31-july-1881, d.7-dec-1916, w. addie c norris cater NORRIS, Richard Wayne, b.27-oct-1919, d.29-mar-1981 NORRIS, Roy William, Jr., b. 19-aug-1975, d. 7-sep-1995 O'BRYANT, Martha Maret, b. 23-sep-1832, d. 16-feb-1876, h. w h o'bryant O'SHEALS, Nannie Hudgens, b.8-mar-1870, d.22-mar-1912, double marker with james hudgens ORR, Willie Mae Carver, b. 7-aug-1929, d. 13-oct-1996 OUTZ, Anner Bell r., b.3-aug-1885, d.27-aug-1984, p. daniel "bud" & mattie king broome, 1st h. d.s. outz, 2nd h. walter o. richardson OUTZ, Belle M., b 1894, d. ?, double marker with joe OUTZ, Bertha May, no dates, a. 10m OUTZ, C.F., b.16-jan-1916, d.24-may-1994, p. david & ana bell broom outz, w. georgia lee walters outz, also here lewis & elliot outz OUTZ, Climella, b.1884, d. 1989, double marker with john w. OUTZ, David S., b.10-sept-1885, d.16-dec-1930, double marker with anner bell r. OUTZ, Georgia Lee Walters, b.18-sep-1918, d.16-may-1991, p. judson a. & lillie brown walter (sic), h. c.f. outz OUTZ, Hattie, b.1891, d.1947, beside c.f. & georgia w. OUTZ, Homer David, b.20-jun-1904, d.1-nov-1988, p. john william & climelia richey outz, w. jewell graham outz OUTZ, J.R., b.1896, d.1965 OUTZ, Jewell "Rosie" Graham, b. 15-aug-1914 in oconee cty sc, d. 22-jun-2002 in greenville sc, h. homer david outz, p. lee & sally thurmond graham OUTZ, Joe, b.1885, d.1942, double marker with belle m. OUTZ, John W., b.1881, d.1936, double marker with climelia OUTZ, Louise B., b.1914, d. 2003, double marker with ray c. OUTZ, M.C., b.22-aug-1917 in oconee cty sc, d.12-june-2000 in seneca sc, p. joe o. & nora marett outz OUTZ, Martha, b. 1860, d. 84-aug-1934 OUTZ, Ray C., b.1924, d.1950, double marker with louise b. OUTZ, Roy, b.22-aug-1914, d.30-jan-1966 PARHAM, Aleene L., b. 3-jun-1912, d. no dod, double marker with grover c parham PARHAM, Grover C., b. 3-apr-1911, d. no dod, double marker with aleene l parham PARKER, Emily Joyce Meredith, b.1947C, d.8-may-1994, p. pauline william meredith & late john ross meredith, h. geo. rbt. Parker II PATRICK, Ida S., b.1873, d.1961, double marker with t. bart PATRICK, T. Bart, b.1871, d.1945, double marker with ida s. PATRICK, William Troy, b.11-sept-1909, d.30-june-1961, military: sc pvt us marine corps PATTERSON, Billy Doris, b. 5-nov-1928 in georgia, d. 28-feb-2003 in spartanburg sc, w. helen inez moore patterson, p. james l & cessie simmons patterson PATTERSON, Helen Inez Moore, b. 25-mar-1927, d. 11-may-2001, h. billy doris patterson PEPPER, Harley, b. 17-nov-1859, d. 24-jan-1889, p _k & ll pepper, stone broken & diff to read PHILLIP, Lester, b. 1922, d. 1943, single headstone POOLE, Mary E., b. 12-may-1837, d. 19-mar-1864, h. washington poole, p. dd & ea ____? POWELL, Dewey Harold, b.12-apr-1916, d.8-mar-2000, p. wm. newton & lillie king powell POWELL, Ella Mae G., b.30-may-1911, double marker with hoyt a. POWELL, Hoyt A., b. 12-apr-1911, d. 29-jan-1987, double marker with ella mae g powell POWELL, Lillie K., b.2-nov-1883, d.20-jan-1982, beside wm. newton powell POWELL, Lon Wayne, b.26-nov-1913, d.4-may-1999, p. wm. newton & lillie king powell POWELL, William L., b. 8-jul-1953, d. 8-jul-1953 POWELL, William Newton, b. 10-nov-1871, d. 23-mar-1951 PRICE, Joshua Ray, b. 26-may-1995, d. 26-aug-1995, p. daniel & melissa price PULLEN, Frank Edwin, b. 9-jun-1895, d. 16-aug-1901, p. p l & s e pullen PULLEN, J. McSwain, b. 5-jan-1901, d. 18-mar-1938, triple marker with paten l & sarah e pullen PULLEN, Paten L., b. 12-jun-1854, d. 23-jul-1928, triple marker with sarah e & j. mcswain pullen PULLEN, R. F., b. 10-nov-1850, d. 1-jan-1896 PULLEN, Sarah, b. 17-may-1826, d. 25-mar-1903, h. wm pullen PULLEN, Sarah E., b. 16-aug-1973, d. 5-jan-1945, triple marker with paten l pullen & j mcswain pullen PULLEN, Wm., b. 29-oct-1809, d. 15-apr-1888, *more writing on stone but was too, diff to read, see sarah pullen & grank e pullen RABB, Jack H., b.1910, d.1968, double marker with vesta RABB, Vesta, b.1911, double marker with jack h. RAMEY, Barney L., b.1-apr-1905, d.25-sept-1923 RAMEY, David, b.10-may-1854, d.2-may-1920 RAMEY, Thomas F., b.2-feb-1880, d.15-july-1921 RANDALL (inf. dau. of Charles & Lorene C.), 28-may-1950, only date REESE, Alice, Mrs., b.1868, d.26-may-1939, a. 71y., h. john reese REESE, Colman John, b.1898, d.1968 REVELS, Lessie M., b.11-may-1896, d.11-apr-1929 RHOLETTER, Bernice Milton, b.26-oct-1925, d.1-oct-1988, p. mackie & bertha adams rholetter, w. sue lewis rholetter, navy vet WWII RHOLETTER, Susie L., 22-june-1929 RICE, Charles, b.22-july-1914, d.27-apr-1941, triple marker with joann & mary b rice RICE, Joann, b. 30-sep-1936, d. 10-oct-1936, triple marker with charles & mary b RICE, Mary B., b. 10-jan-1918, d. 23-jan-2002, triple marker with charles & joann RICE, Nora G., b.27-dec-1875, d.11-nov-1961, double marker with wade h RICE, Wade H., b.14-aug-1876, d.27-feb-1964, double marker with nora g. RICHARDSON, Ada R. Glenn, b.9-jan-1876, d.22-june-1927, double marker with walter owens richardson RICHARDSON, Anna Bell Broome Outz, b.3-aug-1885, d.27-aug-1984, p. daniel "bud" & mattie king broome, 1st h. d.s. outz, 2nd h. walter o. richardson (shown as - anner bell r. outz) RICHARDSON, Arthur Lee, b.10-july-1920, d. 24-mar-1999, double marker with dollie mae RICHARDSON, Boyce S., son of S.N. & Maggie Richardson, b.29-oct-1896, d.17-aug- 1913 RICHARDSON, C.M., Jr., b.24-jan-1926, d.23-mar-1929, p. mr. & mrs. c.m. richardson RICHARDSON, C.M., Rev., b.19-may-1876, d.11-may-1940 RICHARDSON, Clarence M., b.8-sept-1895, d.1-sept-1955, double marker with oatsey j. RICHARDSON, Clinton A., b. 1922, d. no dod, w. eunice w richardson, m. 26-oct- 1940 RICHARDSON, Dollie Mae, b.4-aug-1924, d.23-feb-1970, double marker with arthur lee richardson RICHARDSON, Edgar N., b.1897, d.1948, double marker with lula m. RICHARDSON, Edwin N., b.1905, d.1977, double marker with lillie w. RICHARDSON, Eunice H., b.1915, double marker with john o. RICHARDSON, Eunice Wood, b.1922, d.6-mar-1984, p. thomas & beulah brady wood, h. rev. clinton richardson, m. 26-oct-1940 RICHARDSON, George W., b.7-dec-1898, d.21-oct-1972, double marker with virgie mae RICHARDSON, Grover C., b.28-jan-1896, d.26-oct-1941 RICHARDSON, Joe Danial, b.1928, d.1928, double marker with sammie (danial as on stone) RICHARDSON, John O., b.1918, d.1979, double marker with eunice h. RICHARDSON, Lillie W., b.1911, double marker with edwin n. RICHARDSON, Lula M., b.1895, d.1968, double marker with edgar n. RICHARDSON, Maggie B., b. 25-jul-1866, d. 28-jul-1934, h. s n richardson RICHARDSON, Maggie Grant, b.27-nov-1900, d.24-nov-1992, double marker with robert richardson RICHARDSON, Oatsey J., b. 9-dec-1895, d. 21-oct-1983, double marker with clarence m richardson RICHARDSON, Robert Ray, b.15-nov-1926, d.21-oct-1929, next to w r & m g richardson RICHARDSON, Sammie, b.1935, d.1935, double marker with joe danial richardson RICHARDSON, Samuel Newton, b.13-apr-1858, d.30-may-1913, w. maggie b. RICHARDSON, Tony B. b.1960,d.1960 RICHARDSON, Virgie Mae, b.18-mar-1904, d.16-may-1970, double marker with george w. RICHARDSON, William Clayton, b. 1930 in oconee cty. sc , d. 2-nov-2002 in anderson sc, w. margaret davis richardson, p. george washington & may cambell richardson RICHARDSON, Walter Owens, b.6-oct-1872, d.30-jan-1953, double marker with ada r. glenn richardson RICHARDSON, Wilmer Robert, b.19-oct-1903, d.1-june-1961, double marker with maggie grant richardson, also here robert ray richardson RICHARDSON, Winford Dewitt, b.13-oct-1924, d.13-feb-1981, military marker: us coast guard WWII ROACH, James Calvin, b.1931C, d.3-nov-1994, p. jake & eunice mize roach, w. willie faye king roach ROACH, Willie Faye King, b. 1937, d. 1996, h. james clavin roach ROBINSON, David, no dates ROBINSON, Frances Ruth, b. 19-jun-1932, d. 16-dec-1998 ROBINSON, Jimmy, no dates ROBINSON, Robert, no dates ROCHESTER, Ila P., b.17-apr-1910, d.20-nov-1954 ROGERS, Jerry Layton, b.1912C, d.22-oct-1994, p. frank & corrie bruce rogers, w. ruth va. stone rogers ROGERS, Marilyn Eubanks Davis, b.1930C., d.11-aug-1988, p. jesse & ertie barnett eubanks, h. james s. rogers ROYAL, Shelby Jean, b.17-may-1938, d.20-nov-1966, in glenn plot RUSSERT, Harold L., b.1907, d.1972 SAMMONS, Annie F., b.1882, d.1961, double marker with tugalo m. SAMMONS, B. Frank, b.10-feb-1911, d.19-dec-1973, double marker with ottie m. cobb sammons SAMMONS, James Edward, b.6-jan-1930, d.1-sept-1933 SAMMONS, Ottie M. Cobb, b.22-sept-1911, d.19-apr-1976, double marker with b. frank SAMMONS, Tugalo M., b.1879, d.1958, double marker with annie f. SANDERS, Eula H., b.1881, d.1968 SANDERS, Harold P., b.1940, double marker with janet m., says married 14-sept- 1962 SANDERS, Janet M., b.1944, d.1969, double marker with harold p. SHAW, John D., b.22-july-1922, d.21-oct-1980, military marker: us army WWII SLOAN, Nannie, only date 16-feb-1859?, a. 2 yr & 16 days SMITH, Genett, dau. of b f. & s. smith, b.15-sept-1897, d.24-dec-1897 SMITH, James Monroe, b.10-sep-1919, d.22-june-1990, p. andy smith, w. mary geneva hendricks smith, navy vet SMITH, James Stephen, b.12-feb-1909, d.27-sept-1993, p. james s. & minnie rickey smith, w. lake glymph smith SMITH, Kate M., b.12-july-1896, d.29-nov-1973, beside paul SMITH, Lake Glymph, b.9-mar-1914, d.13-sept-1987, p. joseph seaborn & maude marett glymph, h. james s. smith SMITH, Larry Michael, b.11-mar-1958, d.15-nov-1981, w. janice moss smith SMITH, Lonnie Arnold, b. 12-dec-1921 in whitley county kentucky, d. 19-jan-2002 in anderson sc, m. 27-sep-1943, w. mable miller smith, p. tom smith & jennie siler smith powers, mil marker sf 3 us navy WWII SMITH, Mabel MIller, b. 1-jul-1922, d. no dod, h. lonnie arnold smith SMITH, Mary Geneva, b. 26-apr-1923, d. no dod, h. james m smith SMITH, Paul, b. 12-apr-1896, d. 27-jul-1967, next to kate m smith SNIDER, Rachel Richardson, b.9-oct-1925, d.4-jan-1931 SORRELL, Eugenia, b.15-aug-1874, a. 3m., dau. of w.h. & m.a. SPEARMAN, Essie, b. 1879, d. 1942 SPEARMAN, Infant dtr. of mr. & mrs. john t., 7-aug-1947 SPEARMAN, Jerry, b. 1871, d. 1910 SPEARMAN, Warren, b. 1906, d. 1963 SPEARMAN, Willie, b. 1910, d. 1910 STANCIL, Carrie Lee, b. 1909, d. 1918 STANCIL, Charles Benny, b.28-sep-1939, d.29-june-1990, p. homer franklin & letha hulsey stancil STANCIL, Earnest, b.1889, d.1944 STANCIL, Homer F., b.4-jun-1907, d.11-feb-1997 STANCIL, Horace E., b. 15-aug-1941, d. 7-jan-1990, double marker with willie jo stancil STANCIL, Hugh M., b.3-dec-1879, d.21-oct-1954, double marker with mary n. stancil STANCIL, Joe D., b.22-mar-1928, d. 19-jan-1952 STANCIL, Leitha, b.31-jan-1907, d.13-sept-1978 STANCIL, Mary N., b.20-june-1882, d.18-apr-1948, double marker with hugh m. stancil STANCIL, Oscar D., b.1913, d.1968 STANCIL, Willie Jo, b. 3-apr-1948, d. 19-may-1998, double marker with horace e stancil STANDARD, Claude, b.1900, d.1955, double marker with lela r. standard STANDARD, Lela R., b.1907, d. 1999, double marker with claude standard STANDRIDGE, John Henry, b.25-jan-1865, d.17-dec-1942 STARRETT, Bonnie L, b. 1-oct-1956, d. no dod, double marker with ronnie starrett STARRETT, Ronnie, b. 4-apr-1956, d. 4-jan-1996, double marker with bonnie l starrett STEPHENS, Michael, b. 26-jul-1953, d. no dod, double marker with willie m stephens STEPHENS, Willie M., b. 9-jul-1944, d. no dod, double marker with michael stephens TEASLEY, Annie May, b.13-apr-1910, d.11-nov-1913, p. j.c. & f.l. teasley TEASLEY, George W., b.1908, d.1930 TEASLEY, John Carol, b.1857, d.1934 TEASLEY, Lula Marshall, b.1875, d.1958 THRASHER, Benjamin, b.1854, d.1899 THRASHER, Bennie Austin, b.12-sept-1880, d. 15-mar-1948, double marker with katie davis thrasher THRASHER, Johnnie Henery*, b. 14-mar-1927, d. 28-aug-1927, p henery & nina thrasher, name spelled as on stone THRASHER, Katie Davis, b.6-dec-1883, d.18-oct-1951, double marker with bennie austin thrasher THRASHER, Leland, b.21-aug-1893, d.20-june-1922 THRASHER, Mary, b. 1857, d. 1928 THRASHER, Milledge, b.1902, double marker with minnie w. thrasher THRASHER, Minnie W., b.1903, d.1955, double marker with milledge THRASHER, Plumer W., b. 7-sept-1895, d.19-aug-1966 THRASHER, William Dewitt, b.24-feb-1912, d.25-dec-1981, see fannie t vickery TRIBBLE, Dora Mays, b. 16-may-1879, d. 28-nov-1961 TUCKER, Carrie, no dates, h. r j tucker TURNER, W. Roland, b. 10-apr-1870, d. 13-feb-1950 TWIFFS, Lounell A., b. 1906, d. 1988, see james e anderson VANDIVER, Edward W., b. 2-sept-1819, d. 25-nov-1839, beside rev. sanford vandiver VANDIVER, Sanford, Rev. b. 1784, d. 18-apr-1847, beside edward w. vandiver, a bapt. minister more than 40 yrs VICKERY, Fannie T., b. 12-jan-1908, only date, see william dewitt thrasher WADE, Willie S., b. 1911, d. 1934 WALLACE, Harry D., b. 1925, d. 1968 WALKER, Eschol V. Davis Fowler, b.26-feb-1927, d.7-jan-2001, h. james walker, p. geo. nalley & maybelle thompson davis, 1st h. truman earl fowler sr WALKER, James Arthur, b.20-feb-1934, d.19-feb-2001, w. eschol walker, 1st w. wilma faye cannon walker, army vet WALTERS, Elizabeth M., b. 14-dec-1890, d. 8-nov-1955, double marker with joe b. walters WALTERS, Joe B., b. 11-nov-1880, d. 2-oct-1964, double marker elizabeth m. walters WALTERS, Joseph Boyd, b. 23-jan-1923, d. 29-nov-1963, military marker: sc sgt trp 124 cavalry WWII ss WALTERS, Judson A. , b. 5-apr-1879, d. 10-apr-1966 WALTERS, Lillie Brown, b. 1-oct-1889, d. 2-jul-1950 WATSON, Floyd B., b. 11-sept-1861, d. 14-feb-1928, w. theodosia w. watson WATSON, Joseph Bee, b. 22-feb-1905, d. 7-feb-1906, p. f.b. & t.e. watson WATSON, Theodosia E. b. 14-nov-1874, d. 28-june-1911, h. floyd b. watson WATSON, Theora, b. 25-june-1911, d. 25-feb-1912, p. f.b. & t.e. watson WELBORN, Martha M., b. 1888, d. 1955, beside s.b. welborn WELBORN, Milton, b. 1914, d. 1931 WELBORN, S.B., b. 1880, d. 1942, beside martha m. welborn WEST, Mary, Miss, b. 28-dec-1850, d. 29-oct-1903, p. archabald & susan c. west WEST, Susan C., b. 1826C, d. 18-sept-1892, a. 66y 6d, h. archabald west WHEELER, Harriet M., b. 19-mar-1827, d. 13-june-1894, h. james w. wheeler WHEELER, Mary E., Miss, b. 4-mar-1861, 17-apr-1911 WHITE, Carl Ray, b.1913, d.1-june-1998, w. jessie olbon white, p. homer rbt. & leila singleton white WHITE, Clifford W., b. 10-aug-1915, d. 21-dec-1978, double marker with eunice i. white, military marker: s2 us navy WWII WHITE, Dewey C., b. 27-dec-1898, d. 18-may-1936, double marker with julia d. white WHITE, Don Curtis, b. 18-mar-1960, d. 15-apr-1992, p. dewey milender & barbara ellen dillard white, WHITE, Doyle K., b. 29-jan-1952, d. 1-mar-1977, double marker with janie r. white WHITE, Eunice I. Stancil, b. 1920, d. 1998, double marker with clifford w. white WHITE, Homer R., b. 10-aug-1890, d. 22-nov-1958, beside leila j. white WHITE, Janie R., b. 21-sept-1952, double marker with doyle k. white WHITE, Janie R., b. 24-may-1937, d. no dod, double marker with joel alfred WHITE, Jessie Olbon, b.31-may-1913, d.3-july-2000, h. carl ray white, p. geo. arnold & larah cordelia campbell olbon WHITE, Joel Alfred, b.1935c, d.15-feb-2000, w. jannie ruth crowe white, p. homer & leila singleton white, army vet WHITE, Julia D., b. 1-apr-1901, d. 27-feb-1980, double marker with dewey c. white WHITE, Leila J., b. 18-sept-1892, d. 15-jan-1973, beside homer r. white WHITE, William Lloyd, b. 3-sep-1934, d. 9-dec-1996, p. gordon & gaynell moore white WHITEN, Mildred K., b. 1928, double headstone with wm. j. whitten WHITEN, William J., b. 1920, double headstone with mildred k. whiten WHITFIELD, Alvin D., b. 1905, d. 1971, double headstone with vickie v. whitfield WHITFIELD, Arlivia D., b. 7-apr-1896, d. 4-jan-1944, WHITFIELD, Beatrice Pitts, b. 21-mar-1888, d. 1-jan-1949, h. dave glenn whitfield 1885/1948 WHITFIELD, Christine B., b. 18-june-1905, d. 24-oct-1987, p. crayton & nina brock bradberry, h. r. horace whitfield WHITFIELD, Crystal Lynn Grant, b. 6-oct-1951 in ohio, d. 14-sep-2002 in lavonia ga, h. james kendall whitfield, p. anna marie dunkinson grant & carl everett grant WHITFIELD, Howard Jack, b. 10-sep-1926, d. 4-mar-1992, mil marker s1 us navy wwii, double marker with howard jack whitfield WHITFIELD, Huey, b. 10-may-1940, d. 11-mar-1941, p. mr. & mrs. R.h. whitfield WHITFIELD, James K., b. 19-dec-1933, d. 28-sep-1999, next to laylon t whitfield, w. crystal lynn grant whitfield, mil marker pfc us army korea WHITFIELD, Jeanene J., b. 28-may-1929, d. no date as of may 2003, double marker with roger h whitfield WHITFIELD, L. T., b. 25-jan-1929, d. 18-dec-1953, military marker: laylan t.,u s a f sc a3c 301 bomb wing WHITFIELD, Marilyn Yvonne, b. 7-mar-1935, d. 17-jan-1947, p. mr & mrs. r.h. whitfield WHITFIELD, R. Horace, b. 15-june-1905, d. 4-may-1974, w. christine b. whitfield, also here marily yvonne, & huey whitfield WHITFIELD, Rachel Hale, b. 12-jan-1933, d. 16-sep-1957, double marker with howard jack whitfield WHITFIELD, Roger Hubert, b. 12-sep-1923, d. 14-dec-1963, mil marker florida, ssgt 7542 air base sq af wwii, double marker with jeanene j. WHITFIELD, Vickie Vanadore, b. 1909, d. 8-feb-1985, p. walter & amelia feltman vanadore, step mother maggie vanadore, h. alvin d. whitfield WHITWORTH, Crayton B., b.18-feb-1878, d. 7-feb-1973, also here lula ouzt whitworth & jamie whitworth WHITWORTH, Jamie, b. 29-aug-1906,d. 12-dec-1947, see crayton b whitworth WHITWORTH, Lula Ouzt, b. 15-feb-1876, d. 18-apr-1972, see crayton b whitworth WILBANKS, Annie May, b. 2-mar-1913, d. 13-mar-1916 WILBANKS, Gary R., b. 1921, d. 1959, valerie wilbanks here WILBANKS, Theo, d. 1978 WILBANKS, Valerie, b. 1892, 1978, gary r wilbanks here WILBORN, Nannie, b.31-jan-1881, d. 16-jan-1919, m. 26-dec-1900, h. s b wilborn, * see s b welborn,*others in same plot spell last name welborn WILLIAMS, Carver Vann, b. 5-nov-1901, d. 4-may-1991, double marker with clarine wooten williams WILLIAMS, Clarine Wooten, b. 8-aug-1906, d. 23-apr-1991, double marker with carver vann williams WILLIAMS, Ira, b. 2-aug-1913, d. 16-nov-1914 WILLIAMS, Raymond W., b. 1892, d. 1965, double marker with sarah d. williams WILLIAMS, Rosa Lee, b. 10-july-1911, d. 23-nov-1948 WILLIAMS, Sarah D., b. 1892, d. 1971, double marker with raymond w. williams WILLIAMS, Wilton F., b. 19-apr-1918, d. 31-jan-1966, military marker: sc cpl 2532 base unit aaf wwII WOOD, Jane, b. no date, d. no date WOOD, Ada, b. no date, d. no date WOOD, Drucilla R., b. 10-oct-1905, d. 13-sept-1985, p. wilbur & corinthia deal rumsey, h. william f. wood WOOD, Harrison, b. no date, d. no date WOOD, Tammy Darlene, b 1970, d. 1979, funeral marker only WOOD, Thad A., b. 1894, d. 1981, p. lafayette & sallie hunnicutt wood, w. trimmie l. wood WOOD, William F., b. 7-mar-1898, d. 19-apr-1972, w. drucilla r. wood, married 24-dec-1924 WOOD, William, b. 1971, d. 1971, beside tammy darlene wood WOOTEN, Fred, b. 1896, d.1897, p. t.l. & n.a. wooten WOOTEN, James E., b.9-feb-1893, d.3-dec-1954 WOOTEN, Nannie A., b.7-may-1866, d.1-apr-1956, double marker with thomas l. wooten WOOTEN, Ruby Mae, b.12-may-1900, d.8-june-1913,p. mr. & mrs. t.l. wooten WOOTEN, Sarah, b.24-dec-1852, d.20-feb-1933 WOOTEN, Thomas L., b. 22-may-1865, d. 27-feb-1946, double marker with nannie a. wooten WORLEY, Charlie Grover, Sr., b. 1916, d. 1976, double marker with ruby l worley WORLEY, J. Lane, b. 27-nov-1941, d. 27-nov-1941 WORLEY, Jerry w., b. 2-feb-1885, d. 21=mar-1949, double marker with sadie e. worley WORLEY, Ruby Lee, b. 11-jul-1910 in oconee county sc, d. 18-nov-2000 in anderson sc, h. charlie grover worley sr, p. john & sarah standridge lecroy WORLEY, Sadie E., b. 2-sept-1889, d. 28-aug-1966, double marker with jerry w. worley WORLEY, Thomas O., b. 17-mar-1917, d. 18-dec-1981, mil marker pfc us army WWII YEARGIN, Diane M., b. 1980, d. 1980, in joe lee cobb plot